Essay Prompts

  • It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent to prevent heinous crimes. However, others believe that life long sentence is a better deterrent.Discuss both views.
  • The crime rate has actually increased due to the widespread use of technology. To what extent do you agree with this? It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent to prevent heinous crimes. However, others believe that life long sentence is a better deterrent.Discuss both views.
  • The prison system has not been effective at reforming criminals. A large number of convicted felons return to committing crimes soon after being released.What are the problems with the prison system and what solution can you recommend to address this issue?

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Common Phrases:

  • There needs to be changes to crime-related legislation.
  • Prison should not be used for first-time offenders.
  • It is important to rehabilitate criminals while they are in prison otherwise they may re-offend (commit a crime again) when they are released from prison.
  • Community service is a good alternative to prison for minor offences.
  • Young people sometimes embark on a life of crime as a result of the bad influence of criminals whom they know
  • Longer prison sentences would act as a deterrent and would be one useful measure to tackle rising crime
  • In order to deter crime, the full weight of the law must be imposed for all serious offences.
  • The government could take some effective steps to protect law-abiding citizens.
  • The security company has installed surveillance cameras at all the entrances and exits of the shopping mall.
  • The young offender was put on probation, as his crime was not serious enough to send him to prison

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