Dolly, an IELTS Ninja student, feels really happy and thankful to IELTS Ninja for helping and guiding her throughout her course.

She says that the course has been wonderfully designed and the contents are also tailor-made and can be catered to individual needs. She has gained confidence and is able to speak fluently now. She congratulates the trainer whose contribution was great in enhancing her skills. She has been a happy learner throughout.

Let’s see what Dolly’s trainer has to say about her,

 “Dolly is a committed student. She has followed the lessons and feedback from time to time and worked on the feedback. Her research skills are sound. As an optimal user of the course material, she has gained momentum in her pace. vocabulary, grammar, content, pronunciation and clarity. She was hesitant to speak initially. By the end of her course, she could almost speak/write on any topic at a given point of time instantaneously. I wish her all the best!”