The IELTS exam is divided into 4 sections, and the speaking section is one of the most tricky parts of the exam. The speaking section lasts for 15 minutes and…
In the Speaking test, students are provided with cue cards and they have to speak for the topic for about two minutes. The student will be given a minute to…
The speaking section is all about how you prepare yourself and how well you understand this section. For the speaking section, you get only 15 minutes. This may look like…
The second part of the speaking IELTS exam comprises of speaking on various cue card topics that are provided by the examiner. Cue cards or task cards have a topic…
IELTS cue card topics are an essential element of the IELTS speaking test module. This is the second of the three activities for the IELTS exam that aspirants have to…
In IELTS, the Speaking Module is a module that the student does not confide in. The primary reason behind it is that many students are afraid of what kind of…
One of the parts that most students struggle with is the IELTS speech cue card. This is the aspect that judges you on your ability to pronounce, how well you…
IELTS exam speaking part will involve speaking on one specific option from a range of cue card topics. For a cue card like, ‘Describe A Book You Read That You…
The average speaking time should not be less than 1 minute and not more than 2 minutes, exceeding the time instructed by the examiner to stop. When you get a…
Suppose you are given the topic -describe an intelligent person you know, you are given 1 minute by the examiner to prepare yourself to talk about the particular subject for…