
Listening skills are extremely important for those of you who wish to do well in life and otherwise. Listening points towards an individual’s ability to process information that is passed on to him/ her. How well someone understands and is able to use that piece of information determines just how successful one will be in all spheres of life. 

It is one of the most challenging skills to master as it involves massive amounts of patience, rationalization and a perspective that is unbiased in nature.

Hearing is not the same as listening and most of us just hear when something is said. Our communication skills are largely dependent upon our listening skills and so, being an able listener will always work in our favour. The IELTS Listening test assesses an individual’s IELTS listening skills which further determines if the candidate is good enough for a country. Some IELTS Listening tips can be kept in mind during the time of practice and while one is appearing for the test.

Let us discuss IELTS Listening tips in which we can improve our listening prowess when it comes to the IELTS Listening test.

Mental Image Of Words Being Said

Every time you hear something, try to picture what’s being spoken about. Concentrate wholly on the topic being discussed and visualize it inside your head. It is almost like a montage that you will be able to picture and memorize. The speaker may discuss certain details that are significant and will help you in remembering the sequence.

Identify With The Speaker’s Emotions

Try to understand what the speaker is going through while he/ she is delivering the speech during the test. 

Feelings such as shock, happiness, sadness, excitement can be easily gleaned through the tone of the voice. This will also help you towards becoming a better listener. 

It may take some work to understand the exact emotion of the speaker but with time, you will have developed this ability and will also become a more expressive communicator.

Practice Listening

Practice is a weapon that will help you reach greater heights every single day. There is no end to it. Practicing listening every single day for a few hours can really help you in mastering this trait.

Try and listen to conversations that take place around you. Be it an exchange between your mother and the maid or a dialogue that takes place in the neighbour’s house, try and actively listen to the conversation. 

Listen To Your Favourite Audiobook

All of us have podcasts, audiobooks or Ted Talks that we can relate to. Listening to our favourite orators for at least half an hour a day will also enhance your listening abilities. 

This is one of the most effective techniques of learning a particular language as the listener remains motivated. It is human psychology to remain attentive when something of interest is being talked about. 

There is no dearth of listening material to choose from.

Talk To Native Speakers Of The Language

Holding conversations with people whose primary language is English helps you in becoming an active listener. It also builds soft skills such as patience and empathy.

Try and talk to as many native speakers as you possibly can so that you can work on your listening competency.

It may seem slightly difficult initially but with time, you will have achieved fluency in the language.



What are you waiting for? Go, get started and be ready to sway the rest of the world through listening skills that are sought after. Listening skills not just improve our productivity, they also help us become finer human beings. You can also seek the services of a Registered Consultancy that provides IELTS services like IELTS Ninja


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