It’s not only about the IELTS exam but about all the exams you have given in your life. When you first decide that yes you are going to appear for…
Search results for: "question"
Deeksha Paswan
8 Min Read
Do you know which part of IELTS candidates fear the most? Well, if you are preparing for IELTS then you will know this one: Cue card. Why? Because candidates have…
Deeksha Paswan
10 Min Read
A cue card is regarded as one of the toughest parts of the IELTS exam. Why? Because they are required to speak continuously for one minute precisely on a random…
Madhurjya Chowdhury
4 Min Read
IELTS is a gateway to some of the world’s top institutions, with millions of students taking the exam each year. Test dates for the IELTS are accessible all year, and…
Shruti Rag
9 Min Read
If you are a candidate for the IELTS exam, you need to keep certain things in mind to score higher bands that you are dreaming of. You have to inculcate…