
Listening is an important skill that we must all inculcate. IELTS Listening Test comprises 40 questions and four sections. Each section consists of ten questions each and you will be required to carefully hear the recordings so as to write effective answers.

As you know, there will be two monologues and two dialogues that you will have to hear and then answer. There are two general situations that are present in the recordings as well as two academic situations that you will have to listen to.

A general situation could be something like a monetary policy that is debatable whereas an academic situation could be a university professor and a student discussing an assignment.

Remember that you only get to hear the recording once and so, listen as carefully as possible.

Let us cover ways in which we can ace the IELTS Listening test and receive the perfect score through these IELTS Listening tips.

Attempt All Questions

There will be forty questions that you will need to answer. Under any circumstance, do not skip a question even if you’re unsure about the answer. You will not be negatively marked for any question and so, not attempting the ones you don’t know will prove to be disadvantageous.

However, do not spend more than 2-3 minutes on a question if you’re doubtful about the answers as that will slow you down. Remaining mindful of these IELTS listening tips will assist you in tackling all questions.

Avoid Taking Notes In Full Sentences

You will run out of time if you begin writing complete sentences for every point that you wish to make a note of. Jot down pointers in the form of bullets and keep them as crisp as possible. The purpose of those bullets should be to assist you while answering potential questions. 

Writing down a word or a phrase will also help you memorize what you’ve heard.

Segregate Important Information

You will hear many things while you listen to the four recordings. You have to learn to discern the difference between information that’s worthwhile from the one that’s trivial. If you allow yourself to cram your head with information that is not relevant, you will forget the ones that truly matter. For instance, if the dialogue is taking place between a mother and a son and they agree to go ahead with something on a particular date, you should make a note of the date that they finally agree upon. The rest of the dates become insignificant.

Practice Before The Main Test

The importance of ample practice can never be denied. You can listen to a couple of recordings on various topics and then practice writing down answers for questions that they ask. 

This will not only build up speed but also instill confidence that will help you remain prepared before the main IELTS Listening test. Also, practicing the different kinds of questions that will be asked will familiarize you with the pattern well before the main test such as True and False, short answers, matching headings, diagram labeling and so forth.

Identify Distraction Cues

Throughout the main recording, you will come across several distraction cues in the form of dialogues that shift. Someone may be talking about watching a certain movie but the movie that he/ she may finally pick to see might turn out to be different from the one they had been talking about. Listen attentively for such cues so that you remember the final answers.


IELTS Listening may be slightly challenging but you can ace it with the right tips and tricks. Remember to remain confident while attempting the questions. If you’re on the lookout for a Consultancy that will help you crack IELTS, you can avail the services of IELTS Ninja.

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