This is a recent question in IELTS and to answer this you must be updated and have facts. Writing task 2 has questions that are mostly related to current trends. As we all know that newspapers are a part of old media and we have shifted to new media, where we have been introduced to e-paper. There are many debates and opinions on which is the best way to get news about current events.

You have to read the answers below, on different topics like what will be the other forms of media, to know about current trends, other than newspapers, giving opinions and views and much more, to form a concrete answer. Let’s read through.

Some People Think that Newspaper is the Best Way to Learn about Current Events

For more than a century, newspapers have been considered the most reliable news source, but in recent decades, newer forms of media have had their influence. Some argue that these new sources of news are superior, but newspapers, in my opinion, are far superior due to the amount of time and research that writers devote to their articles.

In my opinion, newspapers are reliable sources and are credible sources, because nowadays, instant news has lost credibility and one advantage of newspapers was credibility.


The public’s opinion is reflected in newspapers. They are the true proxies for public sentiment. They are chock-full of useful information. The general public is informed about the country’s and world’s most important ideas and trends. We get news – both national and international – from newspapers.

All newspapers cover scientific, social, political, literary, economic, and religious events, assisting in the development of a spirit of goodwill and mutual understanding among all nations of the world.


As a result, newspapers are vital components of modern society. They promote trade and commerce. They are a reflection of the nation’s will. They encapsulate the correct sentiments. In our modern world of information, commercialism, and technology, we can conclude that newspapers offer numerous benefits. Newspapers are, without a doubt, the society’s watchdog.

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Other Believe That They Can Learn News Better Through Other Media

In this age of technological advancements, it appears that traditional methods are competing with ever-expanding new forms of media. Broadcast/cable television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and the majority of print publications make up traditional methods, also known as old media.

Individuals now have new opportunities to share their ideas and information thanks to the rise of social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more websites.

Websites like YouTube, OTT, online TV streaming, services like iPlayer and many more have aided in the creation of an environment where each individual can choose what they want to watch.


New media’s purpose is heavily influenced by traditional means. Both traditional and new methods have the same goal: to keep you informed. It makes no difference whether you read a magazine, newspaper, or even webzines, which are also known as e-newsletters.

Both platforms provide news and articles to keep you up to date on what’s going on in the world. Books in libraries and online communities such as Wikipedia and other platforms provide you with bits of information for your general knowledge, as well as basic knowledge on specific topics.


To summarise, the distinction between old and new mediums can be based on a variety of characteristics. The structural component and popularity are the most important distinctions. As a result, new means are defined by computing and connectivity, whereas old media lacks these characteristics.

However, due to the changes occurring in twenty-first-century society, even this distinction is becoming somewhat blurred.

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Old Media vs New Media: Discuss Both the Views and Give Your Opinions

Traditional and new means do not have to compete, despite how they are frequently portrayed. These mediums can be combined to make your advertising campaign more powerful than ever. Traditional and new media can work in tandem, with each serving an important purpose.

Traditional media is frequently much more expensive than new methods. You not only save money on your advertisement, but you also save money per person you reach.

In addition, new approaches are much more interactive than traditional means. Social media and other new forms of media enable direct communication and interaction between businesses and consumers.

Comparison Points

New media is heavily reliant on data. For instance, you can see how many people saw your banner ad or how many people visited your website.  In particular, social media creates a level playing field for all businesses. To grow your business using social media, you don’t need to spend a lot of money.

In my opinion, new media is more cost-effective. Spending money on new media will almost certainly result in a greater reach than spending the same amount on traditional media.

Outbound marketing, or sending a message to customers, is what traditional medium is all about. Inbound marketing is a type of marketing where businesses interact with people who seek them out. When compared to outbound marketing, inbound marketing tends to attract more willing customers.


More consumer engagement is possible thanks to new media. New approaches, whether it’s social media or a targeted banner ad that asks a question to the consumer, allows businesses and consumers to communicate.

However, in my opinion, both traditional media and new media has their own pros and cons. Though we are using convergence media which is termed as ‘New new media,’ there are people who still prefer the traditional form. In my humble opinion, there can not be more weightage given to one form of media, as they co-exist and new media has been formed by old approaches.

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Agree and Disagree Practice Questions

यहाँ हैं कुछ agree and disagree questions for you to practice.

#University education should be free for all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree

#Men and women are capable of doing all jobs equally well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#Some people believe that nowadays we have too much choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#Advertising that targets children should be banned from our televisions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised in the correct place. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some More Questions

#In some countries it is common for school leavers to take a year off between finishing school and starting university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this practice?

#Open plan offices offer a better working environment for staff than a normal office. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#The recent popularity of online shopping will result in the end of high street shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा की तैयारी

The following are some tips for you on how to approach the essay topics in writing task 2 of the exam. Read it all the way to the end to get a good idea of how to master the writing section.

Analyse the Questions

Many candidates don’t understand the theme and then write the content incorrectly therefore, knowing the topic thoroughly and precisely is a crucial rule, therefore, read and analyse the question twice before writing the explanation.

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Develop the Strategy

After you’ve thoroughly grasped the theme, you’ll want to focus on the questions by developing or raising two main questions related to the essay’s main theme. Don’t ask any unnecessary questions that aren’t related to the topic at hand.

Divide your answers into three main parts, how will you start the answer (forming an introduction paragraph), then what are the main elements that needs to be elaborated and put forward (the body) and at last how will you garnish your essay, by giving it an uplift (how will you conclude so that your opinion is clear).

Framing Answers

After you’ve written down your main questions and main points, you’ll need to know about sub-points in order to improve and expand your ideas. For those attempting this task, the point, explanation, and example model is a useful mechanism.

You start by writing down the fact, then you go over it again and again, describing it to support your point of view. After you’ve narrowed down your funding questions to your most important points, your planned writing response should be this.


Hopefully, you found the above article helpful in learning everything there is to know about IELTS writing task 2. This article carefully covers all of the commonly asked questions as well as the most important preparation tips of how to frame your answer.

If you are studying for the IELTS exam, keep all of these concepts in mind and adapt them before the exam. The familiar writing task 2 questions, the task 2 essay writing agenda, and many more are all wrapped up here, and one should keep in mind that while formulating for IELTS, there may be many obstacles to overcome, but one should keep moving forward.

If you are looking for online tutoring, you have come to the right place; IELTS Ninja provides you with the best equipment and coaching classes. If you have any comments or questions about the article above, please leave them in the comment section below.

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