Sreerag was the optimal student, his own passion for learning and avidly got him a long way ahead ,he never failed at impressing the tutors by his work and punctuality….
<![CDATA[ Kunj Takkar’s Experience with IELTS Ninja Kunj was struggling with the Writing section before deciding to join IELTS Ninja. He appreciates the strategies and the essay topics that were…
Cauveri started off with absolutely no idea about how IELTS works. Only after joining IELTS Ninja did she understand its components and the marking system. She finds the video lectures…
Sherine joined IELTS Ninja after being through regular coaching classes. He didn’t find the one-lecture-for-all pattern any good and decided to go solo. IELTS Ninja gave him the opportunity to…
I have nearly finished my course in IELTS ninja. It was a wonderful experience learning new strategies from my trainer Paulomi. She is a gem and I hope I would…
Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my guide and tutor Mrs. Poulami ma’am since she has molded my writing way better than it was before. The…