As the IELTS exam is difficult, candidates must be thorough with their preparation. To attain their objectives, the candidates must labour tirelessly and patiently. You must be completely fluent in all elements of the English language. In the IELTS reading section, you will get a set of reading passages. You will have to answer them within the time frame. English skills will also aid you in selecting future study-related matters and ensuring better nutrition.

Now, let’s take a look at the transition care for the elderly IELTS reading answers topic to learn how to approach these passages.

Transition Care for The Elderly IELTS Reading Answers Topic

In the sections below, you will find the paragraphs of the topic “Transition care for the elderly” along with solved questions. Try solving them without looking to check your pace.

Transition Care for The Elderly Questions and Answers Paragraph A

What is transition care?

Transition care is for older people who have been receiving medical treatment, but need more help to recover, and time to make a decision about the best place for them to live in the longer term. You can only access transition care directly from the hospital.

Transition care is focused on individual goals and therapies and is given for a limited time only. It offers access to a package of services that may include:

# Low-intensity therapy such as physiotherapy (exercise, mobility, strength and balance) and podiatry (foot care)

# Access to a social worker

# Nursing support for clinical care such as wound care

# Personal care

Transition Care for The Elderly Questions and Answers Paragraph B

Who provides transition care services?

Transition care is often provided by non-government organisations and is subsidised by the government. If your circumstances allow, it is expected you’ll contribute to the cost of your care.

Daily care fees are set by the organisation that provides your transition care services (your service provider). They should explain these fees to you, and the amount charged should form part of the agreement between you and the service provider. The fee is calculated on a daily basis.

Transition Care for The Elderly Questions and Answers Paragraph C

Where do I receive transition care?

Transition care is provided in your own home or in a ‘live-in’ setting. This setting can be part of an existing aged-care home or health facility such as a separate wing of a hospital.

Transition Care for The Elderly Questions and Answers Paragraph D

What if I’m already receiving services through a different programme?

If you’re already receiving subsidised residential care in an aged-care home, but you need to go somewhere else for transition care, your place in the aged-care home will be held until you return.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग में प्रश्नों के मिलान शीर्षक प्रकार: इसे कैसे करें यहां बताया गया है

IELTS Exam Questions from Reading Passage: Fill in The Gaps

Q. Transition care is centred on the individual’s _______, and it is only provided for a short period of time.

Ans. objectives and treatments.

Q. Non-government organisations frequently provide transitional care, which is typically subsidised by the _______.

Ans. government.

Q. Transition care is given in the comfort of your own home or at a _______.

Ans. live-in facility.

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा प्रश्न: शब्दावली

प्र. निंदा करना का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. प्रशंसा

प्र. बोल्ड का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. डरपोक

प्र. प्रचुर का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. अपर्याप्त

प्र. निडर का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. राड़

Q. शांति का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. उत्तेजनीय

प्र. संक्षिप्त का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. लंबा

प्र. आरंभ का विलोम शब्द है

उत्तर. निष्कर्ष

प्र. अप्रासंगिक का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. बेकार

प्र. यथार्थ का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. विशिष्ट

प्र. उपयुक्त का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. वर्दी

प्र. महत्वपूर्ण का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. आवश्यक

प्र. पछतावे का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. आत्मा ग्लानि

प्र. विचित्र का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. असामान्य

प्र. एक जैसे का पर्यायवाची

उत्तर. वही

IELTS Exam Questions: True or False

Q. Transition care is for seniors who have been getting medical treatment but require further assistance to recuperate and time to determine the best location for them to reside in the long run.

उत्तर. सत्य

Q. Transition care is given in the comfort of your own home or at a ‘live-in’ facility. This setting might be a distinct wing of a hospital or a component of an established aged-care home or health institution.

उत्तर. सत्य

Q. They should clarify these charges to you, and the amount charged should be included in your contract with the service provider. On a monthly basis, the charge is computed.

उत्तर. असत्य

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग परीक्षा में एमसीक्यू प्रकार के प्रश्न: इसे कैसे करें, यहां बताया गया है

IELTS Exam Reading Questions Practice Set to Try on Your Own

Do the statements below correspond to the facts in the reading passage?

Fill in the blanks in boxes 1 to 6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the sentence fits the information

FALSE if the sentence does not fit to the information

NOT GIVEN if there isn’t any information available

Q. Transitional care is only available to hospital patients.


Q. Short-term or long-term or transition care is available.


Q. Everyone who receives transitional care is responsible for paying a portion of the bill.


Q. Only patients who reside alone can get transition care at home.


Q. Transitional care may be provided at a hospital.


Q. If you have to quit a care home to obtain transition care, you might lose your spot.


IELTS Preparation Tips for Reading Section

Students will benefit from improved reading passage abilities not just in their academic pursuits, as well as in their professional and personal life. Reading passage skills, like any other talent, may be enhanced with planning and practise, whether it’s answering a math issue or shooting a basketball.

Find a Peaceful Environment for Practice

When focusing on your reading comprehension abilities, it’s important to concentrate on the content in front of you rather than what’s going on around you. Find a quiet spot away from the television and internet, and turn off your phone’s alerts and tuck it away.

A peaceful room in your home or the library are also excellent places to practise reading. If you can’t locate a perfectly silent location, ambient music with no lyrics is a tried-and-true method of drowning out annoying noises.


It’s critical to stay attentive in order to completely comprehend what you’re reading. If you notice that your interest is waning, take a brief break from your reading before continuing. If time isn’t an issue, but the amount of reading you have ahead of you is, consider breaking the material down into smaller, more easily digestible chunks.

Work on reading a section (or a particular amount of pages) at each session, for example. Concentration, like reading comprehension, improves with experience, so as your reading develops, consider extending the duration between breaks.

Pace Down Your Reading

One of the primary reasons why several readers have trouble understanding what they’re reading would be that they read too quickly. Rushing through difficult books, such as those in your American Lit class, frequently results in just a rudimentary comprehension of the author’s point of view.

Reading at a slower pace enables you to better absorb the information, establish connections with prior knowledge, and recognise literary strategies like symbolism and foreshadowing.

Unfamiliar Words Should be Written Down and Looked Up Later

If you don’t know what a term means, it’s tough to figure out what a phrase including that word is trying to convey. Expanding your vocabulary is one method to fight this.

If you come across a term you don’t recognise, attempt to figure out what that means using visual cues and write it down to check up later (if you can’t comprehend the section the word is used in, pause and look it up before moving on). Spend some time studying the definitions of the terms you’ve put down and using them into your own writing to help them stick in your mind.

Read a Diverse Range of Texts

Reading more broadly and frequently is the greatest method to enhance your reading compression abilities. Newspaper pieces, magazine features, and all types of books are excellent sources of reading compression. Finding engaging reading material is a simple method to urge oneself to read more.

Don’t Waste Time on Understanding 100%

Reading more broadly and frequently is the greatest method to enhance your reading compression abilities. Newspaper pieces, magazine features, and all types of books are excellent sources of reading compression. Finding engaging reading material is a simple method to urge oneself to read more.

Underline Important Points

Feel free to make notes if you possess the book or are working with a copy of an article. While reading, highlight and underline significant concepts and ideas to force yourself to pay attention. It’s also a good method to identify crucial portions of the text if you need to go back to it later. Taking notes in the margins is also a good method to help you recall and comprehend significant parts of the text.

About IELTS Reading Section

# For IELTS Academic and IELTS General students, the reading exam is divided into three portions, each with 40 questions and 60 minutes.

# There is one long paragraph in each part.

# Texts are collected from books, journals, periodicals, and newspapers and are real. They are scholarly issues of popular interest that have been written for a non-specialist reader.

# Applicants entering undergraduate or postgraduate studies or pursuing professional registration will find the texts relevant and approachable.

# The texts cover a wide range of topics, from descriptive and descriptive to discursive and critical. Non-verbal resources such as diagrams, graphs, and pictures may be included in texts. A basic glossary is given if the contents include technical words.

# There are three texts to read and 40 questions to answer.

Some Reading Topics for Practice

#1. चालकरहीत कारें

#2. जवान रहने का राज

#3. हमें क्या खुशी मिलती है

#4. जायफल: एक बहुमूल्य मसाला

#5. वैज्ञानिक अंग्रेजी का जन्म

#6. पुरातत्व की प्रकृति एवं उद्देश्य

#7. Why zoos are good?

#8. शरद ऋतु के पत्तों

#9. डिस्लेक्सिया

#10. पर्यटन


We hope you’ve grasped the proper methods for answering passage questions within the time constraints. When trying the reading section, one should properly examine the passage. Because the answers will be given in the passage, the candidate should not feel that anything is being asked outside of it. For the reading portion, it is critical to prepare and practise.

To achieve flawless grades, you must be a master of time management. Visit the आईईएलटीएस निंजा webpage to read more similar passages and other articles pertaining to your reading, speaking, writing, and listening tests.

यह भी पढ़ें: दुर्लभ संसाधनों की समस्या: उत्तर पढ़ने के साथ एक आईईएलटीएस विषय

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मधुरज्या चौधरी

उफैबर एडुटेक में वेब कंटेंट राइटर मधुरज्या चौधरी को लिखने और पाठकों को आकर्षित करने का बहुत गहरा शौक है। आप उन्हें परीक्षा अभ्यर्थियों और बच्चों की भलाई के लिए लेख लिखते हुए पा सकते हैं। शोध-आधारित सामग्री लेखन और कॉपी राइटिंग में अत्यधिक रुचि के साथ, वह अपनी रचनात्मक लेखन शैली के साथ अधिक से अधिक लोगों तक पहुंचना पसंद करते हैं। दूसरी तरफ, वह एलपीयू, जालंधर से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और कम्युनिकेशन इंजीनियर हैं। अपने ख़ाली समय में वह बैडमिंटन खेलना या अंतरिक्ष खोजों के बारे में पढ़ना पसंद करते हैं। इसके अलावा, वह पीसी, पीएस और मोबाइल गेमिंग प्लेटफॉर्म पर एक प्रो गेमर हैं।

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