Are you preparing for the GRE?

Well, the GRE is one of the most important and standardized tests for admission in many graduate schools in the USA, Canada and other countries. Moreover, it is one of the most difficult tests to undertake.

Nevertheless, with proper preparation, you will be sure to do this.

Did you spend your whole time preparing for other sections of GRE that you missed an important part?

So, do you have only 10 days for your GRE verbal?

How am I going to prepare for it in just 10 days? How to start preparing for GRE verbal? Is this question in your mind?

Well, let us help you to prepare well for your GRE in just 10 days.

Read this article till the end to know everything about GRE and how to prepare for GRE verbal in 10 days?

GRE-Graduate Record Examination 

GRE is a standardized test that is an admission requirement for many graduate schools in the USA, Canada and other countries.

It is owned and administered by Educational Testing Service ETS. This test was established in 1936 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Brief Information about GRE

# Mode of Test: It is both a computer-based or paper-based test.

# Administrator: Education Testing Service (ETS)

# Skills tested in this exam: Analytical skills, quantitative reasoning and verbal reasoning

# Purpose: Admission to masters and doctoral degrees in various universities of various countries such as the USA and Canada.

# Establishment year: 1936

# Time allotted: Three hours and 45 minutes

# Score:

Analytical Writing 0.0 to 6.0

Verbal Reasoning 130 to 170

Quantitative Reasoning 130 to 170

# Time of conduction:

Computer-based tests are conducted multiple times a year.

Paper-based tests are only conducted three times a year: October, November and February.

# Test centres: About 1000 test centres in more than 160 countries.

# Language: English

# Fees:  US dollar 205

# Official website:

The Verbal Section of GRE

The verbal section of GRE consists of reading comprehension, critical reasoning and vocabulary usage. The candidates are scored between 130 to 170 score scale with one point increment.

This section consists of 20 questions that have to be completed in 30 minutes.

The verbal section consists of six sentence completion question for centred sentence equivalence question then critical reading questions

Verbal reasoning measures the ability to analyze and evaluate the written material of the candidates, and the ability to analyze the relationship among parts of the sentence, etc.

प्रकार of Question

The verbal reasoning portion consists of three types of question, reading comprehension, text computation, and sentence equivalence.

यह भी पढ़ें: मुझे अपना जीआरई और आईईएलटीएस टेस्ट कब देना चाहिए ताकि मैं जनवरी-फरवरी 2021 में एमएस के लिए आवेदन कर सकूं?

पढ़ना Comprehension

Reading comprehension aims to test a wide range of abilities of the candidate.

उद्देश्य of Reading Comprehension

# Reading comprehension aims to test the following abilities of candidates:

# Meaning of individual sentence

# Understanding the meaning of paragraphs

# Distinguishing between minor and major points

# Summarizing a passage

# Write a summary of a passage

# Draw a conclusion

# Relate reasoning of incomplete data to find missing information

# Understanding the format of the text

# Identifying the author’s intention and perspective

# Reading a text and writing a conclusion

# Identifying strength and weakness of different positions

# Developing explanations for the given extract

As you can see, the reading comprehension test tests so many skills of the candidates.

Each reading comprehension question is based on a passage that may range from one paragraph to several paragraphs.

The test generally consists of 10 different paragraphs. Only one and two of those are more than one paragraph long.

These passages are extracted from subjects like physical science, biology, social science, business, art, and everyday topics.

After each passage, you will be given a question. It can be one or even six. Many, but not every question is of multiple choices.

यह भी पढ़ें: भारत में जीआरई परीक्षा शुल्क 2021: अपनी तैयारी में सफलता के लिए पूरा पाठ्यक्रम जानें

Text Completion Question

A text computation question tries the ability of the candidates to omit crucial words from short passages.

A reader does not usually read all of the passage but only pays attention to their interpretation and evaluation.

The text completion question tries to test the ability of readers to read a passage.

प्रकार of Question

It omits crucial words from small passages and asks the candidates to use the remaining information as the basis for selecting words to fill in the blanks or to create meaningful sentences.

वाक्य Equivalence Question

The sentence equivalence test tries to test the ability of candidates to conclude.

Sentence equivalence person may consist of a single sentence with one blank or they can ask you to find two choices for the question.

यह भी पढ़ें: जीआरई पाठ्यक्रम और परीक्षा पैटर्न: यहां जीआरई के बारे में जानने योग्य सब कुछ है

कैसे to Prepare for GRE Verbal in 10 Days?

Wondering how to prepare for GRE verbal?

Well, here are the best strategies for us.

Previous Year Question Paper

Begin by solving the previous year question papers. This may sound reversed but this will help to the current level.

This will help you to get familiar with the topics and pattern of the paper. While solving previous year papers, don’t spend time simply solving questions.

Take time to analyse each question and try to understand the set pattern. Also, try solving at least 5+ years of papers.

This will help you to understand the pattern and upcoming question in a better way.

Analyse Syllabus and Each Topic

The next steps should include analysing the syllabus carefully. Analyse each topic carefully and make subtopics of each.

Go in details. This will help you to cover everything in a shorter period.

Mock परीक्षा

A mock mock test aims to test the candidate’s ability. It is like a pretest session. It gives you a clear idea about your current position.

A mock test helps you to understand your weaknesses and strengths.

Moreover, this will help you to analyse which section or topic you need to pay attention to.

For example, maybe your vocabulary is weak therefore you can spend your considerate time learning new words.


Educational Testing Service – ETS – The Official Guide to the GRE 3rd 

Edition-Educational Testing Service (2017)

Manhattan Prep Complete Verbal Set

BARRON’S Verbal Workbook, Second Edition

Verbal Workout For New GRE

Gruber’s Complete GRE Guide


Vocabulary is an important part of GRE verbal. Therefore try to spend considerable time learning new words. Try to read books and mark out difficult words.

Note it down in a diary then find out its meaning and usage. Learn new words and their usage daily.


Try to read as much as you can. Whether it’s academic books or novels.

Try to take time and analyse each point. Understand what the writer is trying to suggest.

अभ्यास प्रशन

This is the best strategy for you if you want to score well in GRE verbal in just 10 days. Practice as many questions as you can.

Take help from the internet, practice books, etc.


GRE is a tough nut to crack. Therefore you should start your preparation early.

Remember the early bird catches the worm.

Therefore, don’t wait until the last moment to study if you want to fulfil your dreams. For more help visit the आईईएलटीएस निंजा वेबसाइट।

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शिल्पा एक पेशेवर वेब कंटेंट राइटर हैं और उन्हें यात्रा करना बहुत पसंद है। उन्होंने अपनी जनसंचार की डिग्री पूरी की और अब अपने पाठकों को अपने लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्राप्त करने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए समर्पित रूप से शब्दों के साथ खेल रही हैं। सफल शोध कार्य से यूपीएससी, आईईएलटीएस उम्मीदवारों के लिए शैक्षिक सामग्री विकसित करना उनकी विशेषता है। अपनी राशि धनु से प्रेरित, शिल्पा अपना जीवन अपने हिसाब से जीना पसंद करती हैं और 'जियो और जीने दो' के विचार से पूरी तरह सहमत हैं। लिखने और यात्रा करने के अलावा, ज्यादातर समय वह अपने पालतू जानवरों और सड़क के कुत्तों के लिए 'हूमैन' माँ के अवतार में देखी जा सकती हैं या फिर आप उन्हें टोके ब्लैंच पहने हुए और सप्ताहांत पर रसोई में जादू करते हुए भी देख सकते हैं।

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