The Speaking exam of the IELTS examination has a part where the candidates are provided with several cue cards with different questions written on them.
Now, let’s move forward to know what these different types of cue cards are and more information about them.
So, cue cards are for all the aspirants of the आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा, the most difficult part of the examination. This is because they do not have the confidence that is required for them to clear this part. A cue card is a card or a piece of paper that is provided to the candidates and there could be any type of question that can be written there. So, the students are afraid as to what they might be asked of while they are in the examination.
कैसे to Ace Cue Cards?
They find it extremely difficult to clear this part of the examination because it is extremely difficult for almost all of them to clear this part. This is because it is difficult to think about a particular topic in a minute’s time or even less. Along with this, one doesn’t have to stop in the middle of their answer as this can lead to a reduction in their score.
So, today we’ll be discussing one such cue card topic and will provide you with the possible answers to it in order to help you know how it’s done.
यह भी पढ़ें: अपने पसंदीदा कपड़े क्यू कार्ड का वर्णन करें विषय: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा स्पीकिंग टेस्ट
Cue Card Questions and Sample Answers – Describe a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music
The IELTS Cue Card questions have a lot of different topics that you might get asked about while you’ve decided to appear in the said examination. And for all of them, one has to prepare a special set of questions that they want to cover with the help of this topic.
Our today’s topic is: “Describe a natural talent that you want to improve like sports, music, etc.”
For this topic, the set of questions that we could possibly cover with it are:
#1. What is the talent that you’re talking about?
#2. When did you discover it or who helped you to discover this talent?
#3. How did you decide to improve it?
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music Cue Card – IELTS Cue Card Sample One
With each day that goes on, there are so many skills and things that we want to learn and improve so that we can benefit from it. But there are so many of them that we have inherited from our parents or the skills that we want to just improve.
Today, I’ll be sharing one such skill that I have inherited from my father and growing up, I always wanted to improve it so that I can be better in this as much as possible.
यह भी पढ़ें: आपके द्वारा देखी गई भीड़-भाड़ वाली जगह का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए एक दिलचस्प नमूना क्यू कार्ड विषय
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music – What is the Talent That You’re Talking About?
I would, today, like to talk about a skill that is so dear and important to me. It is my skill of singing and is something that I’ve always wanted to improve and get better with.
I was always so fond of singing from my childhood and had a keen desire to learn it professionally so that I can improve my inherited skill to a great extent.
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music – When Did You Discover This Talent or Who Helped You Discover This Talent? Part I
I still remember the day when I was a young girl and I was sitting in my room. It was a cool Sunday afternoon and my father had played some soft Bollywood music on the Yamaha home theatre system that we had purchased back then.
I was five years old back then and listening to soft music, I had a keen desire of singing so I started humming with the music and lost track of it and started singing as well after a while. That was when my parents noticed me and they were extremely surprised as well as happy to hear that I could sing so melodiously. My mother became so excited that she recorded my voice and sent it to one of the radio stations for one of their singing competitions.
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music – When Did You Discover This Talent or Who Helped You Discover This Talent? – Part II
It was my mother who heard me singing this amazing song in such a melodious voice and recognised my talent for singing. I enjoyed singing back then and I enjoy singing even today and that was the first time I surprised my parents with such an amazing talent that I had.
From that day, since now, I have always wanted to learn singing professionally and take it as a full-time thing but due to some family reasons, I couldn’t really take it and indulge in it.
I had always enjoyed singing a lot. There are many instances where my mother showed me a lot of videos as well as audio recordings of me singing soulfully at home and that made my parents super happy. My grandmother always used to say that this is something that I’ve inherited from my father. My father has an amazing voice and after him, it was me who had inherited this amazing talent from him.
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music – How Did You Decide to Improve It?
I am in college these days and I have got this amazing opportunity to take part in the singing society. My mother encouraged me to send my sample recording to them as a part of the auditions.
So, after listening to her advice, I recorded a video of myself singing and send it to them. My mother had complete faith in me and she was extremely sure that I was going to get selected. And to my surprise, after a few days, I got the result of the auditions and that’s when I got to know that I was selected for this society.
वर्णन करना a Natural Talent That You Want to Improve Like Sports, Music – Wrap It Up
I began my practice with them. This society had a way that they always taught their students after they have selected them so that they can help them improve themselves.
And this is how I am practising each day with them. It is such an amazing experience to have learned so much with them. I enjoy every single day of it.
यह भी पढ़ें: उस व्यक्ति का वर्णन करें जिसने आपसे माफ़ी मांगी है: एक महत्वपूर्ण आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड विषय
आईईएलटीएस तैयारी युक्तियाँ
Now, let’s move forward to know how one can successfully prepare himself/ herself for the IELTS speaking examination.
There are so many tips and tricks that one needs to learn in order to successfully clear the IELTS exam. These are:
अभ्यास परीक्षा
#1. Take as many practice tests as you can so that you can prepare yourself well for the examination. Practice tests are ways to help individuals to gain a little confidence about what they have learned till now and to be better than yesterday.
लेना Time Seriously
#2. Time Constraints is another important thing that all aspirants need to focus on while they are preparing for this examination. They have to keep in mind the time in order to complete the exam in time and not miss anything that they could have otherwise if they have not taken in mind the time constraints for the exam.
सुधार Your Vocabulary
#3. Improve your vocabulary as much as you can so that you can score a much greater score in the IELTS exam. IELTS is all about having a good grip over the English language and improving it each day, so try to add as many words as you can to your vocabulary as you can.
काम on Your Reading Skills
#4. The IELTS examination requires an individual to have a great set of reading skills. Reading skills are extremely important for an individual to have in order to successfully clear this examination.
With this, we hope you must have understood each and everything about the cue card questions that you might get asked in the examination. Cue Card questions are an important way to help individuals learn about the different type of questions that they might get asked in the examination. And for this, one has to go through a series of these questions in order to be prepared for them.
If you want to know anything regarding the IELTS examination, just feel free to comment down below and let us know about it so that we can help you with that.
Also, if you want to know more about the same, just check out our more ब्लॉग for the same information.