में आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा, the speaking module is a module that the student does not trust. The primary explanation behind it is that many students are afraid of what kind of question they might ask the examiner. This is why they find it difficult to do this because for a moment they need to think about the answer and they do not have time to think in the middle of the answer.

Also, the reason for your score deduction might be a major pause in your response. So, first of all, it’s better to think about your answer, so you can finish in two minutes. You need to practise properly for this. Here, we will provide you with some planned IELTS exam talking cue cards topics for your practice.

IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic Explained- Talk about a Challenge You Encountered

The cue card topics often scare students and are taken back when they fail to answer a question. To make this easier, the blog is explaining some cue card topics, the topic in this blog is ‘Talk about a challenge you encountered’.

Points That You Must Cover to Talk about a Challenge You Encountered

You must successfully answer these questions-

  • What has been a challenging issue?
  • How and where did you get it accomplished?
  • Why was it complex and difficult?
  • How did that make you feel about that?

Sample IELTS Exam Cue Card Answer ‘Talk About A Challenge You Encountered’ –

Introduction- Talk about a Challenge You Encountered

Without challenges, I believe life will be really boring. Not only do challenges make life more fun, but also more meaningful.

I am going to write about a college project today that challenged me. For me, the job was rather challenging, since it included a group presentation. And I’m really scared of speaking publicly.

When talking to my friends, I am very relaxed, but when I have to speak in front of strangers, I choke. And I had to talk about the topic for 10 minutes for that task.

Describe Elaborately – Talk about a Challenge You Encountered

I was really worried and so I went to my father, who gives public speeches for advice on a regular basis. He told me that mastery of the subject matter is the secret to a successful expression. So, I’ve been memorising the content for one whole week. The next thing he told me to do was break the subject into various parts. My presentation was divided into five halves of 2 minutes each.

The first half was for the subject to be added and the second half was for the subject to be concluded. For the principal substance, the remaining three halves were. I felt a great deal more secure after splitting the speech into pieces. My friends knew about my fear of public speaking, too, so they used to come to my home every evening and help me plan.

यह भी पढ़ें: आपके द्वारा हाल ही में देखे गए प्रदर्शन का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड नमूना प्रश्न

Lead to Conclusion while Talking about a Challenge You Encountered

I began believing, slowly, that it was doable. I was anxious, but I had no more concerns. When the day of the presentation eventually came, not only did I give the entire presentation, I also got an A grade for it. My instructor told me I did a very good job and she actually asked me if I had public speaking experience prior to that. Instead of fearing obstacles, that’s the day I realised that it is stronger to get over them.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस व्यक्ति का वर्णन करें जिसने आपसे माफ़ी मांगी है: एक महत्वपूर्ण आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड विषय

Prepare for Follow Up IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic Questions

Q.1- Do you think that parents should give kids challenges?

Yeah, I genuinely believe parents should give their kids challenges on a regular basis. I believe that it makes kids happier and better prepared for adult life, which is full of challenges.

Q.2- What is the most difficult thing for children?

I think there are many things for kids that are daunting and it’s hard to pinpoint one. I’d say making friends is difficult for others, public speaking is difficult for some, and it’s really difficult for some calculations in mathematics. It varies from individual to individual.


You should practise it and it can be presumed that your examiner would ask for some of those cue cards in your IELTS voice. So, it is not expected for you to memorise your answer by practising these cue cards, but if you have already practised the same thing before your real test, it would be helpful for you. So, check it out and make good arrangements. For more such explanations check out आईईएलटीएस निंजा.

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