Every year hundreds of thousands of international scholars come here to pursue their studies. A good company & friendly environment is all you need when you move out of your house to study somewhere & Canada provides its students with numerous possibilities and a vibrant culture that is great for studying abroad. 

But the one thing you need for studying in this country is a freshman’s visa. And how do you get it?

Don’t worry, with the help of this article we’ll help you learn some amazing facts related to studying abroad & by the end of this, you’ll know everything you want to.

So let’s get on a ride with us.

यह भी पढ़ें: भारतीयों के लिए सिंगापुर पीआर: भारतीयों के लिए सिंगापुर जैसे देश में पीआर प्राप्त करना कितना कठिन है?

Universities in Canada for International Students

This North American nation has some of the best universities in the world for finalists from all over the world & it offers some amazing yet exciting educational opportunities. This has helped in recognizing it as one of the most popular study destinations in the world. 

Here is a list of the top 10 universities for international scholars:

  • टोरोन्टो विश्वविद्यालय

The University of Toronto is ranked 19th globally & has been chosen as the top university of the country by the Times Higher Education Magazine. 

  • ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया विश्वविद्यालय

The University of British Columbia is ranked 34th globally & is among the top 20 public universities in the world.

  •  मैकगिल विश्वविद्यालय

This university has scholars studying from more than 150 countries in the world. But what makes it different from the other universities of the world is the fact that it has some great research programs & excellence in teaching. 

 So, these were some of the top universities in Canada that present them with a welcoming & safe environment; thus making it a perfect place for multinational freshers. 

Now, let’s learn about the numerous scholarship options available to students in Canada.

यह भी पढ़ें: उत्तर के साथ आईईएलटीएस लेखन कार्य 2 विषय 2021: आपकी आईईएलटीएस तैयारी के लिए सामान्य विषय

Scholarship for International Students in Canada

There are a limited number of scholarships available for global scholars in Canada as compared to the large number of scholarship options being offered to students by the UK, USA, and Australia. These are:

  • Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships

This scholarship program offered by the University of Toronto is intended to recognize international postgraduates/undergraduates who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement & are recognized as leaders within their schools. 

  • York University International Student Scholarship Program

Under this scholarship scheme, all the international scholars who have an excellent academic record are offered scholarships worth $60,000-$100,000 for a four-year degree program.

  • University of British Columbia Scholarships for International Students

The UBC (University of British Columbia) offers scholarships based on the academic achievements of some outstanding students from all around the world. they provide students with a scholarship of more than $10 million per year; along with presenting them with awards, other scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance.

  • Calgary International Entrance Scholarships 

The University of Calgary provides scholarships after recognizing the talents & accomplishments of students across the world. They provide their students with a scholarship of $60,000 over a period of four years. 

Hence, these top universities provide them with a scholarship that helps in further advancing their academic career. 

Now, let’s shift towards learning a few new rules for international students in Canada.

New rules for International Students in Canada in 2021

According to the new rules being made during the pandemic, every freshman must possess a valid study permit or a letter of introduction as proof of them being approved for a study permit abroad. 

All the international students who meet these requirements will further need the following to enter:

  1. Air Travel – Pre-Departure Negative Covid-19 test 

All the travellers, be it students or anyone else if they are above the age of five must show negative COVID-19 test results before boarding the flight to Canada. The test results so presented by them should not be more than 72 hours old at the time of boarding the flight.

  • Mandatory Quarantine & Isolation Plans 

Anyone who’s entering the country is required to enter a 14-day quarantine period; isolating themselves. This quarantine is mandatory for everyone to maintain & those breaking it will be subjected to fines and jail time. 

  • Air Travel – COVID Testing and Mandatory Hotel Stay upon Arrival

As per the new COVID-19 guidelines, all air passengers arriving in Canada are required to get themselves tested upon arrival. And then, while waiting for their test results, they must quarantine themselves in a government-mandated hotel for up to three days at their own expense. 

  • ArriveCAN App

Another rule for international freshers in Canada is to use the ArriveCAN app & submit all the knowledge regarding their health, travel, contact, quarantine plans, and therefore the COVID-19 self-assessment to the administrating power of the nation. 

All those scholars arriving in Canada are required to attend online classes for a few days until their quarantine period comes to an end. 

And thus these were some new rules introduced by the government of Canada to ensure the safety of their citizens as well those who wish to continue their studies from this country. 

यह भी पढ़ें: नागरिक और स्थायी निवासी के बीच अंतर: स्थायी निवासी क्या है?


It’s important for every individual to go through the IELTS exam once in order to get that college they have always dreamt of! Hopefully, this article has given you important information about the new rules for international students in Canada in 2021 along with other important information. So now when you know everything necessary about it, how are you planning to prepare for the exam? Check-out this unique study in Canada program by IELTS ninja which can make your dream come true.

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