IELTS writing test is 60 minutes, within which you need to complete two tasks:-

Task one usually takes 20 minutes, this task requires the candidate to write 150 words,

Task two takes 40 minutes which requires the candidate to write 250 words. IELTS task 1 has map questions, which asks candidates to interpret the diagrams given for a certain data. You may get pie charts, Tables and maps. IELTS writing task 1 map are becoming popular in the exam, this is why this article will give you direction on how to write a map in IELTS writing task 1

How to Write a Map in IELTS?

को describe the Map given in writing task 1, you can follow the 4 paragraph structure method:-

Paragraph 1

Paraphrase the questions using similar words, this will give you a more clear picture of the question

Paragraph 2

Start with describing the maps and pinpoint the differences between the two maps given in the exam. After completing this task you should ask few questions to yourself:-

  • Are there more or fewer trees?
  • Were the changes dramatic or negligible?
  • Is the map more or less residential?
  • Is there more or less countryside?
  • Were there any major improvements in infrastructure?
  • How have buildings and leisure facilities changed?

Paragraph 3 – Main Body (1)

Here write three to four sentences about the specific changes that have occurred according to you. In specific changes to be noticed you can look out for locations and buildings:-

For buildings, you can use words like- reconstructed, flattened, demolished, constructed, developed, extended, converted and modernized, built, expanded, relocated, renovated.

For Trees and Forests- planted. cleared,chopped-down, cut-down, removed,

Roads, bridges and railways lines-expanded and removed, extended, constructed, built.

Paragraph 4 – Main Body (2)

Repeat the steps mentioned in Paragraph-3. Then you will need to group the information you have got in paragraph 3 and 4, put it by time or location that will depend on the question being asked.

यह भी पढ़ें:- मानचित्र उत्तर क्या है? आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए नमूना मानचित्र उत्तर

How to Explain Map in IELTS?

When you understand the map given to you in task 1. You should try to formulate this description in a sentence that explains the whole map. What you have prepared and what you need to write, align both of them. For this, you need to practice a lot so that you get the approx

What are the Different Kinds of Map Question?

Along with a map you will be given a different type of question. You may be asked to describe one map in the present day. Another option that you may get is to describe two maps;- one may be in the present and one can be in future. Or the last option that you might get is describing two maps:- one in the part and one in the present.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Diagram with Sample Answer

To score well in this section you need to practice a lot. As practice makes a man perfect with each attempt for the practice you will see yourself doing better in this section. You can find various sample tests for free. Make sure you complete those by keeping the above guidelines in mind. Using the above method will save you time and will move you towards a more accurate answer.


Each section is important when you are planning to achieve the desired score, that will open gates for you to go abroad. The IELTS test is used as a selection criteria, in which you need to score above to get into your desired country and university. IELTS has 4 sections, you have to perform well in each of them to get the desired result. One section that you have completed is writing, Writing has 2 tasks, And task 1 consists of diagrams, maps, and charts, followed by questions.

To understand the map you can apply the paragraph structure method which saves time and gives you the more detailed information. The way you described the map and the way you write it should be aligned. You should practice this method in practice as well which increases your speed.

ये भी पढ़ें: अपने कंप्यूटर या फोन में किसी प्रोग्राम या ऐप का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय नमूना उत्तर

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