Topics for IELTS cue cards are an important part of the IELTS speaking test module. The second of three assignments that hopefuls must complete when taking the IELTS exam is this one. To be able to cope with this part of the test properly, you’ll need a variety of talents that you’ve built through time. These abilities also include the ability to think on one’s feet.

Describe questions for cue card topics that cover a wide range of subjects and can come from anywhere, including economics, politics, education, and culture. This is a new addition to the cue card topics: describe a tradition in your nation.

Here in this article, there will be three answers to the given cue card topic. The three answers will be talking about the different traditions of India. One of the major traditions is Diwali and the two others are traditions that are common in India.

Describe a Tradition in Your Country

You should say

What is the tradition?

Who all take part in it?

What are the activities performed?

And explain how you feel about the tradition?

IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answer 1: Describe a Tradition in India

Given below is the answer to the cue card

What is the Tradition?

A custom becomes a tradition when it is passed down from generation to generation. When it comes to my own nation, India, its culture and customs have become well-known throughout the world. In India, there are various causes for this.

Here, I’d like to discuss one nation’s custom of blessing seniors by caressing their feet. This is an example of a tradition that is practised practically everywhere in the country. It’s an age-old custom for teachers to bless their students when they touch their feet to show respect and importance.

Who All Take Part in It?

It is still used among elders and the younger generation, not only for instructors and discipline. This is a very common and well-practiced tradition in my country, India, where every parent teaches their children. Apart from that, it teaches children the value of showing respect to elders.

What are the Activities Performed?

It is customary to touch the feet of elders whenever they visit our home or when special occasions such as festivals or celebrations are commemorated. In addition, students who follow this custom seek the blessing of their parents’ grandparents and teachers before taking exams.

Wrap-up Your IELTS Speaking Answer

Unfortunately, many families are losing touch with tradition these days, as modern parents do not always teach their children about traditional values. It is critical to make an effort to maintain this tradition alive; otherwise, the nation may suffer a significant loss if these become obsolete, as these are the things that keep the country unified and its ideals high.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस गतिविधि का वर्णन करें जो आप स्कूल के बाद करते हैं: उत्तर के साथ आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग क्यू कार्ड

Answer 2: Describe a Tradition in Your Country Diwali

Given below is the answer to the IELTS speaking cue card topic to describe a tradition in your country – Diwali.

What is the Tradition?

India is a varied country, and its citizens practise a variety of religions. Every religion has its own set of customs, which it celebrates with fervour and gusto. I am a Sikh, and I’d like to discuss Diwali, which is celebrated with zeal in every state of India.

Who All Take Part in It?

Diwali is a festival that the people of India eagerly anticipate. The festival of lights is another name for it. Many traditions and beliefs are linked because this holiday is honoured by both Sikhs and Hindus. Diwali has varied historical significance for both religions. The Hindus commemorate this day because it was on this day that their God Ram Chandra returned to his home after a 14-year absence.

What are the Activities Performed?

Furthermore, people begin cleaning and decorating their homes a few days ahead of time. People visit their families, give gifts, prepare delectable foods, distribute sweets, and offer money to those in need on that day, which is a holiday.

The most thrilling aspect of Diwali is that people light candles and oil lamps on the walls of their homes, and the night is filled with lightning. Aside from that, people light firecrackers and spend the day with their relatives.

Conclusion –  Describe a Tradition in Your Country Diwali

Every year, I also celebrate Diwali, which is my favourite celebration. We use candles and electric lights to beautify our homes.

In general, that is a very popular tradition in India.

यह भी पढ़ें: अपने देश में एक अच्छे कानून का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने के लिए एक नमूना क्यू कार्ड

IELTS Cue Card Speaking Sample Answer 3

Given below is the answer to a speaking cue card to help your IELTS preparation.

What is the Tradition?

India is a vast country with many different cultures and traditions. Joining one’s hands together and bending the head slightly to greet or welcome someone is a very popular ritual that every citizen follows. It’s known as ‘Namaste.’

Who all Take Part in It?

This gesture is commonly used when greeting guests and seniors. It is seen as a gesture of respect, particularly in Indian culture. Every citizen, regardless of age, gender, religion, or origin, is familiar with this common behaviour. It’s a sign of welcome visitors into homes, respecting seniors in the community, and praying and thanking them.

What are the Activities Performed?

The gesture consists of a simple linking of hands with a bowed head. It is so widespread among Indians that it is easy to detect that even small children understand and obey it.

Wrapping-up the IELTS Speking Answer

In India, showing love and respect to family members and society’s seniors is a must. People in such a culturally united country have deep links and relationships with one another. Even the young and the elderly have strong bonds with one another. As a result, the Namaste ritual is regarded as the ideal of respect and attention for seniors.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने के लिए शब्दावली शब्द: उदाहरणों के साथ विषय से संबंधित शब्दावली की सूची

IELTS Speaking: Follow Up Questions

Here are some follow-up questions for IELTS speaking exam preparation.

Why do You Think Traditions are Important?

Traditional festivals are significant because they represent our culture and traditions. These festivals are a creative approach to honour our rich history, culture, and traditions. They are supposed to be shared with loved ones to celebrate key moments and feelings in our life. They play a vital role in giving our social life shape and connecting us to our families and backgrounds.

What is the Difference Between Old and New Traditions?

People used to celebrate holidays in a more traditional way, and they appreciated their importance and true substance. They used to be more eager and excited about festivals, but nowadays, many have forgotten their true significance, and the younger generation appears to be less interested in them. They do not observe the festivities with the same fervour as the rest of the world.

Does Western Traditions Affect Your Country’s Traditions?

Yes, I believe so, because my country’s youth and general public appear to prefer western holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving to their own traditional holidays. They regard Western festival celebrations as a status indicator.

Is it Right or Wrong for Children to Celebrate Traditions?

I think children should celebrate traditions and festivals. I believe so because being connected to one’s roots is important, and commemorating traditional festivals is a fantastic way to keep people aware of their heritage, culture, and beliefs.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग भाग 3 प्रश्न और उत्तर: स्पीकिंग टेस्ट की तैयारी के लिए एक उचित मार्गदर्शिका

How to Master IELTS Cue Cards? IELTS Preparation Tips

Before you take your examinations, begin speaking English to your coworkers, family, and friends. You should also videotape yourself to hear how confident you seem and whether you need to work on your grammar.

In your test, don’t be scared to give inaccurate or correct answers. Keep in mind that the interviewer will be looking to see how succinctly you describe yourself in English.

The Speaking exam should not be a source of stress. The interviewer will assess you primarily on your ability to articulate yourself rather than the responses you receive.

Speaking Tips for 2021

#As part of your response, avoid repeating the examiner’s question. Recognize the problem and explain it in your own language.

#Your speech should not be sped up or slowed down. Be as normal as you are able to converse with people in real life. If you speak quickly, you may make mistakes in your pronunciation.

#Try to be as specific as possible before responding. Rather than simply responding with a yes or no, develop responses to each question.

Some More Tips for IELTS Speaking

#Always use the correct verb tenses when responding to a comment. Do not respond in the past tense if you are asked, “What type of tunes do you like?” (in the present tense).

#अभ्यास pronouncing the numbers in a straightforward manner. When spoken, the numerals ‘Forty’ and ‘Fourteen’, for example, sound the same.

#Don’t bother if you don’t feel comfortable utilising the complicated vocabulary in your debate. Maintain a relaxed and unpretentious atmosphere. However, being able to employ technical terminology would be useful.

#Make an effort to defend your response. You’ll be able to use a wider range of grammar and vocabulary as a result.

यह भी पढ़ें: Is IELTS Speaking Test Face to Face? Here’s How You can Ace it & Achieve 8+ Band Score

IELTS Speaking Topics

Learning as many topics as possible is usually a good idea. And why is it the case? IELTS themes are diverse, so you can find one that is relevant to your interests. As a result, learning subjects and topics from prior exam papers can help you move ahead.

For your practise, below is a selection of IELTS speaking topics:


Keeping wild animals, birds, and the drawbacks and benefits of zoos.


Visual and creative arts, art galleries and exhibits, painting styles, art from the history and recent, art in your house, multimedia creation.


Book web, genres and books, and audio books you’ve read.


Hometown, source of income, place, and local tourism, business, recreational activities, fondness and dislikes.


Fashion, likes and dislikes, clothing for leisure and work, clothing shopping.


Members, personalities, pastimes, occupations, and relationships.


Picnics, food habits, cooking, favourite recipes and healthier eating are only a few examples.

Mobile Phones

Uses of a mobile phone, texting, apps and social media.


Various activities, types, watching sports, participating in sports, and becoming a fan.


Transportation modes, including vehicles and pedestrians, as well as ground, water, and air travel.


Hopefully, the information in this post will assist you in better preparing for your forthcoming IELTS exam. One thing to keep in mind is that you do not need to know everything, but you must be confident in what you do know. Confidence and patience is the key.

Being overconfident, if you are good at English and being under confident if you don’t know the language well. In both of these situations, there is only failure. So, balance your emotions and behaviour.

So, unwind, take a big breath, gather your ideas, and begin speaking on the IELTS speaking topic you’ve been assigned.

यह भी पढ़ें: अपने देश भारत में एक परंपरा का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड स्पीकिंग विषय

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