Are you looking for the Pros and cons of the IELTS CBT/CDT Practice test? Do you want to enrol yourself in the best course to prepare for CBT/CDT? Let’s check out all the details in this article.

Pros and Cons of IELTS CBT/ CDT Practice Test

The pros and cons of the IELTS CBT test are covered here. The IELTS test remains constant in both CBT and PBT. The examination format, question varieties, marking criteria, and problem levels, are all the same because of the Paper-based IELTS exam.

The sole distinction, rather an addition, is that earlier candidates might take the IELTS test on paper however currently, they’ll have the choice to provide it on the pc also. A key advantage of Computer-based IELTS is that there are multiple sessions obtainable in an exceedingly single day, and quicker delivery of results (usually inside 3-5 days).

The trend of Computer-based IELTS has received a good response, particularly throughout this pandemic. Candidates around the world notice this a lot, as this helps maintain social distancing norms also.

There are restricted seats and a lot of date choices with up to seven days per week and nearly three times a day! Altogether chance, the long run are one, whereby the Computer-based IELTS and Paper-based IELTS can complement one another, as equally relevant and important testing methodologies.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस कंप्यूटर-डिलीवर टेस्ट के लिए क्या ले जाएं? परीक्षण के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेजों की सूची


IELTS CBT/ CDT stands for Computer-based test and Computer-delivered test. The IELTS exam can be conducted in two forms: Paper-based or computer-based. The only difference between these two is that you are required to write on a paper in the former while you will have to complete the test on a computer in the latter.

There’s no other difference in the format, questions, or marking criteria. One point can be that you don’t get time to transfer your answers in the listening test because you can type the answers on the computer.

So, you can choose any test format depending upon your comfort and convenience.

यह भी पढ़ें: कंप्यूटर आधारित आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा में उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करने के लिए युक्तियाँ: यहां बताया गया है कि इसे एक पेशेवर की तरह कैसे करें

Is Computer-Based IELTS Better?

The computer-based IELTS test is better for the candidates because they can do everything sitting on a computer. Well, you must also be aware that there is no difference between the paper-based and computer-based tests of IELTS.

It depends on the aspirants to take the tests conveniently because the tech-savvy candidates will like the computer-based test while the others will tend toward the paper-based test.

You can prepare for the computer-based IELTS test with the help of the IELTS Ninja course. This course has 10 full-length 40 individual IELTS Tests offering you unmatched practice for the Computer-Delivered IELTS.

Also, it is the exact copy of the IELTS CDT/ CBT test. This is an amalgamation of the question types. It comes with required test tools as well as resources. The candidates also get instant reviews & bands. These are given for Listening & Reading with comprehensive reports. Moreover, the biggest benefit lies in the customized face-to-face assessment and feedback including resolutions to your queries. The assessment is provided for the band score for Writing & Speaking.

Also, you are privileged to get a complete 10 hours of live video sessions with an expert mentor in a personalized way. You should enrol in the course to get the best opportunity to fetch good scores in the exam.

The mock tests are extremely important and this course also includes tests like speaking mocks by mentors with review and instant feedback. You will further get an explained essay and task1 assessment and analysis by the mentor.

यह भी पढ़ें: कंप्यूटर द्वारा प्रदत्त आईईएलटीएस अभ्यास परीक्षण: अपनी आईईएलटीएस तैयारी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए इसे देखें


Hopefully, this article has been helpful for you. The course on the आईईएलटीएस निंजा website is extremely useful for all the candidates for the IELTS exam. You should go ahead to visit the website and enrol yourself in the course to get all the benefits. It is the best way to prepare, practice, and meet experts and professionals.

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श्रुति एक उभरती हुई पत्रकार होने के साथ-साथ एक रचनात्मक और उत्साही कंटेंट राइटर भी हैं। वह एक सच्चे दिल वाली और सहस्राब्दी दृष्टिकोण वाली खोजपूर्ण लड़की है। बोलने और लिखने के प्रति उनके प्यार ने उन्हें पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार में स्नातक की डिग्री हासिल करने के लिए प्रेरित किया। वह इस उद्धरण में विश्वास करती है, "यदि आप जीवन में कभी असफल नहीं होंगे, तो आप कभी भी राख से फीनिक्स की तरह नहीं उठेंगे।" गायन। नवाचार और यथार्थवाद आपको अपनी पहचान खोजने देते हैं। उन्हें ज्ञान और आसमान छूने के दृढ़ संकल्प पर विश्वास है।

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