In the IELTS exam of reading, a passage is basically either a part or segment of a published work, whether fiction or short stories. Some argue that a passage should be as brief as a sentence, but most are at least one paragraph long, if not many.

In this article, we have an interesting reading passage for you. The topic is National cuisine and tourism, which is a common IELTS reading answers topic in IELTS exam.

आईईएलटीएस Reading Answers: National Cuisine and Tourism

Agriculture, to some degree, dictates that each nation has a selection of unique foods that are indigenous to that country. They can also be exceptional. But, even with the ability of agricultural technology, developments in food distribution, and improvements in food economics to modify the ethnocentric properties of the food, it is still conceivable for a nation to “be popular for” a specific food even though it is readily available elsewhere.

The extent to which cuisine is rooted in national culture Two concepts in the sociology of nutrition literature indicates that food is related to social culture. The first connect feeding and eating to social interactions (Finkelstein, Vissor, Wood), and the second develops food as a reflection of power-sharing within social institutions (Finkelstein, Vissor, Wood) (Mennell).

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग सारांश समापन युक्तियाँ: आपके आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग टेस्ट स्कोर को बढ़ावा देने के लिए गाइड

अनुभाग B of the Paragraph: IELTS Exam

However, providing a position for food in private relationships and social systems is not a sufficient justification for placing food at the centre of cultural identity; to do so, an extent of embeddedness must be shown. At this point, it would be fitting to understand the nature of culture.

Pierce’s differentiation between a behavioural and a social contingency is critical to our comprehension of society. Although behaviour can occur often, include a network of individuals, and be replicable by other networks that do not know each other, the nature of the behaviour does not extend to the action itself. A cultural ritual, on the other hand, incorporates and reflects “meta-contingencies,” or behavioural patterns that have a collective significance larger than the action itself and, by definition, perpetuate the society that houses them.

अनुभाग C of the Paragraph: IELTS Reading Answers

Birthday celebrations are a cultural tradition not because everyone does so, but because it has a religious significance. In contrast, in the United Kingdom, “Guy Fawkes Night” is celebrated. It is simply an invitation to have a fun time, so if fireworks were prohibited, the event would either fade away or become a cult in California. Perhaps a smaller scale example would be more helpful. Compare drinking in pubs to eating “fish and chips” in the British setting. Both are traditional habits, but the former represents aspects of the country’s social structure, especially family, ethnicity, class, and age relationships, while the latter is simply a national habit. To put it another way, a consistent, well-populated trend of behaviour is not always cultural. However, it is also apparent that behavioural affirmation is needed for cultural practices. Social society does not last forever.

अनुभाग D of the Paragraph: IELTS Exam

According to Finkelstein, “dining out” is literally “activity that promotes a surface life.” For him, the term “out” separates food from society. In this perception of culture and food, the “house” serves as the cultural core. Continental European eating patterns, which generally support eating out as part of family living, may dispute this notion. Following the idea that culture requires behavioural affirmation, if anyone “eats out” on a daily basis, regardless of economic and social distinction, this may constitute behavioural encouragement for cuisine as a component of social culture. Aside from that, the importance of a behavioural pattern being ingrained in society is that it automatically retains an approved and recognised way of life, and therefore has a propensity to avoid reform.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग परीक्षा में एमसीक्यू प्रकार के प्रश्न: इसे कैसे करें, यहां बताया गया है

अनुभाग E of the Paragraph: IELTS Reading Answers

The central point of the case is that countries vary in the extent to which their diet and dietary patterns have social and cultural significance beyond the behaviour itself. This point, however, may be interpreted to mean that the country with the highest proportion of meals eaten outside the home is the one with the most ingrained national cuisine in society and culture. This is a tough place to hold because it will put America’s fast-food mentality to the forefront. The American fast-food society begs the question of whether there are contextual standards for the concept of culinary. The important question is not the degree of normal behaviour, but whether it serves a purpose in preserving social stability and is respected and valued by social norms. French cuisine and “going down the pub” are unlikely bedfellows, but they are bedfellows nevertheless.

अनुभाग F of the Paragraph: IELTS Exam

How diverse is national cuisine? Cuisine, like culture, is not a dynamic system, and although its fundamental character is unlikely to shift in the short term, it can evolve in various directions. Just like there are dialects of a language, there are differences in a cuisine. The geographical geography of the world and its social composition are the two primary causes of diversity.

The geographical aspects act through agriculture to specific and restrict the use of locally grown ingredients. Racial variation in the population creates ethnically distinct cuisines that may or may not merge into a national cuisine through the role of food in social identity. This begs the question of how closely a national cuisine is linked to national boundaries.

अनुभाग G of the Paragraph: IELTS Reading Answers

An ethnic group’s cuisine is considered national. The more a culture is divided into classes, castes, and status categories, with their associated ethnocentric attributes, of which cuisine is a component, the greater the variety of cuisines.

Nevertheless, there is an argument to be made for convergence. All of these primary origins of diversity are affected to a degree by the persistence of their borders and society’s ability to erode them. It is a choice between separation and integration. Efficient transportation and the use of chemistry will change agricultural limits, allowing a cuisine to have access to a greater variety of foods.Racial distinctions can also be eroded by political and social integration. Both of these points, though, are meaningless if the food is not ingrained in social culture. Riley claims that cuisines that are not ingrained in social culture are vulnerable to experimentation and colonisation by other cuisines.


You have read about a very common topic of the IELTS reading exam. The reading task can be a tiresome and annoying one, but if you know the right way to approach the passage. On the day of the exam, do not eat a lot or be stressed. Clear your mind before reading the passages. Use the skimming technique and filter out the keywords or sentences to easily answer the given questions.

For more reading passages, visit the blog section of आईईएलटीएस निंजा

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस रीडिंग परीक्षा में एमसीक्यू प्रकार के प्रश्न: इसे कैसे करें, यहां बताया गया है

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