The IELTS exam is the aspirant’s dream if they wish to pursue their goals in their preferred country. If you are preparing for the IELTS exam, we offer an updated IELTS reading answers passage that will give you the most important content for your preparation. This article contains both internal and external IELTS reading answers.

यह भी पढ़ें: उत्तर पढ़कर किराना दुकानों का नवप्रवर्तन: जानें कि इन प्रश्नों को कैसे हल करें

Internal and External Marketing IELTS Reading Answers

डी Not Given
सी बी
बी False
एफ True
सी True

IELTS Exam Reading Passage

यह भी पढ़ें: उत्तर पढ़ते हुए किसी झूठे व्यक्ति को कैसे पहचानें: आईईएलटीएस उत्तर पढ़ते हुए देखें और उच्च अंक प्राप्त करें!

Employees need to hear the same messages that you send out to the marketplace. At most companies, however, internal and external communications are often mismatched.

This can be very confusing, and it threatens employees’ perceptions of the company’s integrity: They are told one thing by management but observe that a different message is being sent to the public.

One health insurance company, for instance, advertised that the welfare of patients was the company’s number one priority, while employees were told that theft main goal was to increase the value of theft stock options through cost reductions.


And one major financial services institution told customers that it was making a major shift in focus from being a financial retailer to a financial adviser, but, a year later, research showed that the customer experience with the company had not changed. It turned out that company leaders had not made an effort to sell the change internally, so employees were still churning out transactions and hadn’t changed theft behaviour to match the theft new adviser role.

Enabling employees to deliver on customer expectations is important, of course, but it’s not the only reason a company needs to match internal and external messages.


Another reason is to help push the company to achieve goals that might otherwise be out of reach. In 1997, when IBM launched its e-business campaign (which is widely credited for turning around the company’s image), it chose to ignore research that suggested consumers were unprepared to embrace IBM as a leader in e-business.

Although to the outside world this looked like an external marketing effort, IBM was also using the campaign to align employees around the idea of the Internet as the future of technology.


The internal campaign changed the way employees thought about everything they did, from how they named products to how they organized staff to how they approached selling.

The campaign was successful largely because it gave employees a sense of direction and purpose, which in turn restored theft confidence in IBM’s ability to predict the future and lead the technology industry. Today, research shows that people are four times more likely to associate the term “e-business” with IBM than with its nearest competitor, Microsoft.

Perhaps even more important, by taking employees into account, a company can avoid creating a message that doesn’t resonate with staff or, worse, one that builds resentment. In 1996, United Airlines shelved its “Come Fly the Friendly Skies” slogan when presented with a survey that revealed the depth of customer resentment toward the airline industry.

To own up to the industry’s shortcomings. United launched a new campaign, “Rising,” in which it sought to differentiate itself by acknowledging poor service and promising incremental improvements such as better meals.

यह भी पढ़ें: चिंपैंजी की पढ़ने की संस्कृति उत्तर: रीडिंग टेस्ट में सफल होने के लिए आईईएलटीएस तैयारी का नमूना


While this was a logical premise for the campaign given the tenor of the times, a campaign focusing on customers’ distaste for flying was deeply discouraging to the staff. Employee resentment ultimately made it impossible for United to deliver the improvements it was promising, which in turn undermined the “Rising” pledge.

Three years later. United decided employee opposition was undermining its success and pulled the campaign. It has since moved to a more inclusive brand message with the line “United,” which both audiences can embrace. Here, a fundamental principle of advertising—find and address a customer concern—failed United because it did not consider the internal market.


When it comes to execution, the most common and effective way to link internal and external marketing campaigns is to create external advertising that targets both audiences. IBM used this tactic very effectively when it launched its e-business campaign.

It took out an eight-page ad in the Wall Street Journal declaring its new vision, a message directed at both customers and internal stakeholders. This is an expensive way to capture attention, but if used sparingly, it is the most powerful form of communication; in fact, you need to do it only once for everyone in the company to read it.

There’s a symbolic advantage as well. Such a tactic signals that the company is taking its pledge very seriously; it also signals transparency—the same message going out to both audiences.


Advertising isn’t the only way to link internal and external marketing. At Nike, several senior executives now hold the additional title of “Corporate Storyteller.” They deliberately avoid stories of financial successes and concentrate on parables of “just doing it,” reflecting and reinforcing the company’s ad campaigns.

One tale, for example, recalls how legendary coach and Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman, to build a better shoe for his team, poured rubber into the family waffle iron, giving birth to the prototype of Nike’s famous Waffle Sole. By talking about such inventive moves, the company hopes to keep the spirit of innovation that characterizes its ad campaigns alive and well within the company.


But while their messages must be aligned, companies must also keep external promises a little ahead of internal realities. Such promises provide incentives for employees and give them something to live up to. In the 1980s, Ford turned “Quality is Job ” from an internal rallying cry into a consumer slogan in response to the threat from cheaper, more reliable Japanese cars.

It did so before the claim was fully justified, but placing it in the public arena, gave employees an incentive to match the Japanese. If the promise is pushed too far ahead, however, it loses credibility.

यह भी पढ़ें: जेलिफ़िश उत्तर पढ़ना: पठन अनुभाग की बेहतर समझ के लिए गद्यांश की जाँच करें!


When a beleaguered British Rail launched a campaign announcing service improvement under the banner “We’re Getting There,” it did so prematurely. By drawing attention to the gap between the promise and reality, it prompted destructive press coverage. This, in turn, demoralized staff, who had been legitimately proud of the service advances they had made.

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा की तैयारी

How to Get IELTS Reading Answers?

Candidates can waste crucial exam time if they spend a lot of time on प्रशन that they find tough. They lose points if they can’t answer all of the easier questions! Leave questions if one doesn’t know the correct answers and go on.

This allows the candidates to concentrate on all of the questions for which they know the answers very well. If they have time, come back to the difficult questions at the conclusion.

When aspirants begin to read, they should have a few questions in mind. Otherwise, they’ll read the text first, then the questions, then return to the text. Aspirants spend too much time reading the texts, and they simply don’t have time for that.


The relevance of the IELTS reading section, as well as preparation recommendations, are hopefully covered in this article. To do well in the reading section, you must concentrate on the passages. You must be proficient in each genre and part of English to pass the IELTS exam.

IELTS reading answers are a terrific part of the exam where you can get a lot of points. If you want to study or work in another country, you must be motivated and enthusiastic during your IELTS preparation.

यह भी पढ़ें: गरीबी और स्वास्थ्य आईईएलटीएस उत्तर पढ़ना: आइए आईईएलटीएस उत्तर पढ़ने को स्वीकार करें और उसका विश्लेषण करें!

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