“… My IELTS NINJA trainer was very helpful and nice. Without her help I wouldn’t have scored as much ….”

Gurveen’s Gratitude To His IELTS NINJA Trainer, Ms. Asthana. S!

“…  My IELTS NINJA Mentor was very supporting with time and also with my speaking part. She helped me with all my doubts every time and never felt irritated even when I kept on repeating the same mistake. I am really thankful to her…”

About Gurveen From His IELTS NINJA Mentor, Ms. Asthana. S

“… Gurveen joined IELTS NINJA in January. He was a really hardworking student but was weak in Speaking and Writing. But, after taking the 1- hour daily sessions, he was confident enough to write the examination….!

A More-Than-Expected Score!

“… Fortunately with all the strategies and practicing he scored 7.5 overall.…”


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