छात्र पृष्ठभूमि

Pradeep Cheema (imaginary name) is a mechanical engineer belonging to Punjab state. He had a dream of immigrating to Australia with his family for which he needed to meet the minimum criterion. He had appeared in IELTS exam years before but could not receive his target score, missing out especially in writing while he was also doubtful in reading module.
Now, after a long time he made up his mind to appear again. Pradeep tried a demo session with UFaber as he wanted to get an idea of attending classes through phone since he could not get a stable internet connection. Once attending the demo class, he had no doubt at all that he would be able to surely get his required score.

पाठ्यक्रम का उद्देश्य

The objective of course in case of Pradeep was to help him with writing module, first of all and give him all the important tips to boost up his confidence in reading and other modules. He joined a one month full course and started attending classes over the phone itself.

रणनीति - यूफैबर अध्ययन योजना

Pradeep’s course was customized as per his requirements.  Firstly, classes were started from the weakest module i.e. writing though it was actually continued till the end of the course. It was then followed by reading as this was his second fear and lastly, listening and mock tests were conducted to prepare for the complete exam, on the whole.

रणनीति के कार्यान्वयन

In the first few days of writing sessions, it was found that he used to make a lot of grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation errors, while there used to be structure related issues as well. He continued sending his writing assignments whenever he got time and proper feedback was given to him till the day he gave his exam. Being a much experienced and aged man, good thing about his learning attitude was that he used to deal with all the difficulties with a lot of patience and always tried working on his shortcomings. This attitude let him achieve his target score this time.

Pradeep Cheema’s Result

Pardeep was extremely happy on receiving his IELTS band score to hit it right this time as he had expected during demo sessions and he was quite excited to share his feelings via email and phone. Pradeep’s case is a source of good inspiration for those who are struggling hard to get it right, being left by hardly a 0.5 band or 1 band in any of the modules, to show that it is definitely a possibility to get better score.
Pradeep’s IELTS band score is as below:
Overall Band Score – 6.5

  • Listening – 6.5
  • Reading – 7.0
  • Writing – 6.0
  • Speaking – 6.0

Below is the email sent by Pradeep:
“I want to thank UFaber team for getting good scores of 6.5 overall in IELTS.  I also want to thank my mentor for giving valuable guidance and training, as I have achieved required bands which I wanted.”
Is your score also getting stuck somewhere at less than 6 Band in any of the modules? Join a course with UFaber to overcome it this time like Pradeep!

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