In 2017, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) introduced computer testing. This test was first launched in Australia, and it is now available in several countries around the world. It’s critical to understand the key differences between paper-based and computer-based IELTS.

आईईएलटीएस निंजा is an online institute that provides personal mentoring to IELTS candidates. They are a group of people who assist candidates in achieving their desired IELTS band scores. They assist you in achieving the highest possible band score with the least amount of work. They provide courses that are both result-oriented and cost-effective. Students, they feel, should be at the centre of all training.

यह भी पढ़ें: बत्तख और बत्तख के अंडे के आईईएलटीएस उत्तर पढ़ना: ऐसे अंश पढ़ना जो आपको आईईएलटीएस क्रैक करने में मदद करेंगे

Difference Between Computer-Based & Paper Based Test

The listening, reading, and writing portions of the paper-based IELTS test must be completed on the examination paper itself. In this situation, the speaking test will be conducted in a face-to-face interview with a professional IELTS examiner.

The listening, reading, and writing parts of the computer-based IELTS will all take place on a computer. The Speaking test is conducted in front of IELTS examiners in a face-to-face setting. Both the paper and computer-based forms of the exam are completed on the same day. The speaking component can be done up to one week after the other tests or before them.

Computer-Based and Paper-Based IELTS- Key Points

If a candidate considers the differences, advantages and disadvantages between computer-based and paper-based formats, there are various factors to consider. Here are some factors are given by IELTS Ninja:

Course Details

CDT Guided Curriculum: This is a three-week programme that includes over 40 different practice tests. This course provides a one-on-one face-to-face evaluation with flexible scheduling.

CDT Self-Learning Program: This is a three-week programme that includes over 40 different practice tests. In the listening and reading sections, they provide immediate feedback and grading.

Writing Program: With our tailored curriculum, you have the choice of starting sessions on any day that is convenient for you.

Ultimate Program: This is a challenging 8-band programme with plenty of practice time. This programme consists of 36 hours of training with a professional instructor. This is an eight-week-long curriculum.

Insights About the Programs

#Start practising on your computer for the computer-delivered tests (CDT/CBT) so you know what to expect on test day.

#An exact simulation of the IELTS CDT/CBT test. A variety of question kinds with the appropriate tools and resources

#With thorough reports, you can get an instant review and band for listening and reading.

#Customised face-to-face assessment and writing and speaking band scores

#A 10-hour live video session with a personal expert mentor is included.

#Exams, such as speaking mocks with review and feedback, are given by mentors.

#The mentor will assess and analyse the essay and assignment 1 in detail.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer and Paper-Based IELTS

यह भी पढ़ें: कैंब्रियन कॉलेज ब्रैम्पटन आईईएलटीएस आवश्यकताएँ: पाठ्यक्रम, शुल्क और रैंकिंग जानें



Smaller rooms or settings with fewer attendees provide for improved concentration and stress reduction.

Some facilities offer the option of taking the exam in the afternoon or morning, or before or after the Speaking test.

Within 5-7 days, you will get your results.


Many pupils, especially in the Writing portion, will value the ability to write and draw.

Before writing words on the response sheet, students can rapidly circle, underline, and rehearse them. For many aspirants, this is a regular method, but it is impossible if they take the computer-based exam.



While listening to each section, the aspirant will have to click and drag or input answers directly, which may be difficult.

At centres, the aspirant can hear people typing behind them, which can be a major distraction.


While writing, the aspirant must keep track of his or her words.

The aspirant is unable to keep track of his or her progress, and editing and altering answers are more difficult.

If the candidate’s handwriting is not legible, he or she will have problems.

The process of entering replies into the answer box is fraught with danger.


Candidates can take the academic and general tests either on a computer or on paper. The difference between computer-based and paper-based IELTS will be felt on the test day experience, even though the exam structure, question type, and time allocation are all the same. Though the speaking component is the same in both paper and computer-based, the writing, reading, and listening sections are not.

Appearing for IELTS 2022, then hop on to आईईएलटीएस निंजा.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग भाग 1 हेडफ़ोन: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग के लिए अभ्यास प्रश्न और उत्तर

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