Many candidates are conscious of their performance in the speaking section. Even if you are a very good speaker, you have to prepare for the speaking section. Mantra to score a good band in the IELTS examination is to practice tricks and tactics. Make sure that you do thorough research on the tactics that will help you in the speaking section. Then practice these tactics while you are involved in the practice sessions. It is important for you to structure your answer when you are describing any cue card topic.

Structured answers give a good impression to the examiner and chances of getting a good band increases. To speak a structured answer you have to align your thoughts with what you will be speaking. To do this it is important for a candidate to utilize the 1 minute given to her/him, to think about what they need to speak and practice the introductory sentence in mind. This way you have a more polished description of the topic to speak about.

आईईएलटीएस Preparation: Describe a Street Market in Your City Cue Card

When you are giving an answer to a cue card topic like- Describe a street market in your city, you can make some questions in mind and then try to answer those questions in the form of a whole paragraph, that is divided into intro, main body and conclusion. This way you have content to speak and you have a structured answer that will help you score a good mark in the Speaking section. In the following article, you will get to know how to prepare for this cue card topic with the help of examples.

 यह भी पढ़ें:- Describe A Person/Friend Who is a Good Leader: IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer

कहाँ is It?

I feel very weird to tell this to anybody, that I become very fascinated by street markets. It gives me a different type of happiness when I go to street markets. Maybe because seeing so many shops with so much stuff and things amaze me. I am very fond of stationery. This is the reason why I stop in front of the stationery shop, every time  I see one. I like to stare at and analyze things a lot. This is one of my very old habits that I am not sure how to get rid of. I have a street market near my house, it is just 5 minutes away from my place. Whenever my mom is getting ready to go to the street market, regardless of how busy I am at work I tell her that I will be coming with her.

यह भी पढ़ें:- अपने परिवार के किसी सदस्य का वर्णन करें जिसके साथ आप सबसे अधिक समय बिताते हैं: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड प्रश्न 

क्या can You Buy There?

Street Market around my place is a hub of everything. From vegetables to big showrooms of home decor can be found. It is a very big market, and many times I feel blessed to have a home near such a place where everything is readily available. Now, this is the era of online shopping which is more than convenient but still, there is some doubt that we still hold when we are doing online shopping. These street markets obviate my and my family’s struggle to do online shopping. But yes there is a great difference between the price that we get in the street market and that we get on the online platform.  I usually go to the street market to buy vegetables, stationery, and clothes.

 What is it Famous For?

This street market is famous for clothes. It has a plethora of shops that offer clothes for different ages, with different styles and also specific to different regions. Not only in my region this street market is famous in the whole state, and people prefer coming to this market from far away places. This is the reason it is crowded most of the time. In winters especially it becomes difficult to keep a foot in the market, because of heavy crowds. In wintertime, I prefer a particular time to go out in the market.  It is fun to just go to the market in my free time and check out new things in the store and do window shopping.

आपको इसके बारे में कैसा लगा?

I feel blessed to have such a huge market around my place, where I can easily hang out with my friends too. The best part is that I can go to this market whenever I feel like, I don’t have to think about travelling a far distance, in summer it becomes very difficult to go out and sustain in a high temperature. In the summer, all are lazy days so it takes so much energy for me to get ready and plan a trip to a market far away from my place. All these reasons make me elated to have a full-fledged market near my place that has everything from vegetables, clothes to jewellery, home decor, and furniture. It just takes us 5 minutes to get to the market and buy what we want.

 यह भी पढ़ें:- Also Read: Describe an Interesting Animal Dog: A Cue Card Topic for the IELTS Exam

Follow Up IELTS Speaking Questions from Cue Card

As the speaking section is divided into 3 parts: intro, cue card topic, and then follow-up questions, after the candidate has given the entire description of the cue card topic given, the examiner asks a few follow-up questions from the candidate which are related to the cue card topic. Questions can also be related to the description given by the candidate. Some follow-up questions related to this topic are:-

#1 Do you prefer online shopping or offline shopping?

#2 What are the advantages of shopping in a big mall?

#3 Do you prefer branded stuff or are you comfortable with non-branded?

#4 Why do you think people go for brand shopping?

#5 do you prefer shopping with family, friends or alone? And Why?

#6 what do you think about discounts? Is it real or just an advertising strategy

H-3 Points to Remember

Most of the candidates focus only on their fluency while speaking but it is important that candidates should focus on other aspects also like taking small pauses, avoid using fillers(Ahh, And, like), good use of vocabulary, and use of grammatically right sentences. Examiner has subheads to judge you on. You need to know these subheads and make sure that you fulfil all these points.

यह भी पढ़ें:- असामान्य कपड़े पहनने वाले व्यक्ति का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए क्यू कार्ड विषय समझाया गया


The speaking section is tough for some candidates and for other candidates it might be easy. But for all the candidates it is important to practice the speaking section by choosing a cue card topic, writing down the description, and then practising speaking. Candidates need to include all the tricks and tactics in the practise sessions so that they don’t miss out on them while giving the examination. To get more in-depth knowledge about what tricks to you and how to prepare for the IELTS speaking section, you can refer to the blogs on the IELTS Ninja website.

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कीर्ति कुमार

कीर्ति एक जुनूनी कंटेंट राइटर हैं। मनोविज्ञान और एमबीए की डिग्री के साथ, वह एक सशक्त महिला का संपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व प्रस्तुत करती हैं। वह एक खोजकर्ता है जो एक नई यात्रा करती है, हर बार वह एक नया मोड़ लेती है। उनके व्यवहार में चपलता के साथ ही उनके कार्यों में बहुमुखी प्रतिभा है। वह एक रचनात्मक व्यक्ति हैं जिन्हें लेखन के माध्यम से जीवन की सुंदरता को उजागर करना पसंद है। उन्हें नृत्य और कला एवं शिल्प में गहरी रुचि है। अपनी रोमांचक और विशाल जीवन यात्रा के माध्यम से उन्होंने एक सकारात्मक व्यक्तित्व विकसित किया है। कीर्ति एक ऐसी इंसान हैं जो अपने लोगों से बहुत करीब से जुड़ी हुई हैं और एक दिलदार इंसान हैं जो नई यादें संजोने के लिए तैयार हैं।

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