The speaking test assesses the candidates’ fluency and use of spoken English. The tests last for a duration of 11 to 14 minutes and you will be discussing a variety of topics with the IELTS examiner. The test will take place in a quiet and peaceful room with an examiner will encourage you to continue speaking. The examiner is a speech and language expert, hence are able to understand your accent and ensure you get the best score possible. The speaking test is divided into three parts.

An Intro to the IELTS Exam

The first part of the test starts by the examiner asking you to mention your name and show your identification papers. The examiner will ask some general questions about various familiar topics, for example, the food you like to cook, the music you enjoy listening to or the movies you prefer watching. You will be asked a couple of questions on multiple topics. The questions will be asked from a script to maintain consistency. This part of the test checks whether you are able to communicate opinions on everyday topics by answering multiple questions.

Second Part of the IELTS Speaking Exam

In the second part of the speaking section you will be given a topic and you need to talk about it for a couple of minutes. The topic will be handed to you on a cue card and you can make notes using a piece of paper. The examiner will ask you to start speaking and will ask you to stop after a couple of minutes. The points on the card will help you think of what you are supposed to say. The examiner will ask you a question about what you have said before moving to the next section. This part assesses your ability to speak for a long duration on a particular topic. You can use your own experience on the given topic to help you answer the question.

Third Part of the IELTS Speaking Exam

The third part of the speaking test will be connected to the topic you spoke about in the second part of the test. You will be allowed to discuss the topic in a more general and abstract manner showing that you are able to express, analyse, discuss and justify your opinions in more depth. You will be assessed on whether you will be able to express and justify opinions and discuss a range of issues connected to the topic mentioned in the second part of the IELTS speaking test.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस समय का वर्णन करें जब आप कहीं खो गए थे: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए क्यू कार्ड विषय

IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic – Describe a Skill That You Can Teach other People

Since you have a minute to prepare for the topic, don’t write the complete speech. You can write some prompts or important points you want to discuss while talking about the topic mentioned in the cue card. The prompts for the topic ‘Describe a Skill That You Can Teach Other People’ are:

  • What Was The Skill?
  • How Did You Learn The Skill?
  • How Can You Teach Others This Skill?
  • How Do You Feel About Learning This Skill?

Describe a Skill You Can Teach Other People- IELTS Exam Cue Card Model Answer 1

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय का परिचय

In today’s era, it is extremely important to have a lot of skills. To stay ahead of the competition I keep enhancing my skill set on a regular basis. Recently I added a new skill to my skill set.

What is It? How Did You Learn it?

During the corona pandemic, we were stuck in lockdown for about six months. Initially, I was spending a lot of time playing video games, and watching movies and web series. But I realized that I won’t get a better opportunity than this to improve my skill set. Hence I started watching youtube videos related to cooking. Cooking wasn’t my first choice and it wasn’t easy, but once I understood the basics of cooking, I became an excellent cook. I have enhanced my cooking skill after practising regularly. I am pretty good at making delicacies which are liked by everyone who has tried them.

How Can You Teach Others this Skill?

Today learning any skill is not a big task with everything available on the internet. You can enhance any skill on the internet hence I would recommend that you can search for courses online. I have designed a course and published it on youtube so that other people can enhance their cooking skills as well.

How Do You Feel about this Skill?

Learning this skill has brought an incredible change in my life. My fitness level has improved because I can cook healthy food for my choice. A lot of my relatives have been congratulating me for the wonderful food I have been serving them.


This skill has made me a better person and I would like to teach this skill to others as well.

यह भी पढ़ें: एक ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करें जो खुले विचारों वाला हो: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए क्यू कार्ड विषय

Describe a Skill You Can Teach other People – IELTS Exam Cue Card Model Answer 2

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय का परिचय

I enjoy using computers whenever I get the chance because I get to know a variety of new things about the machine every time I use them. It is even better if you know how to repair a computer because it is a great skill to have in today’s world.

What Is It? How Did You Learn It?

I am proud to say that I know how to repair a computer, irrespective of whether it is a hardware or a software problem. Of course, I am not able to fix all kinds of computer problems just like an expert would do. I try different procedures and techniques until the problem is solved, whether it is pertaining to network settings, video graphic cards, computer cable or RAM. There are so many problems with the computer that it would be impossible to list them all. It is not easy to learn these skills, and I had to open a computer several times to understand the different parts of the computer and found out that I would have to learn a lot in order to become an expert in this field.

How Do You Feel About This Skill And How Can You Teach Others This Skill?

I am glad that I get to use these skills every once in a while not only to fix my own computers but also my friends and seniors. Whenever I faced any problem I would ask my college lab assistant who was kind enough to help me practice these skills. These skills help me because I fix my computer without spending money at times.


I would like to teach this skill to most of my peers as this is going to benefit them in their professional lives as well.

यह भी पढ़ें: आपके द्वारा की गई एक दिलचस्प बातचीत का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग परीक्षा के लिए क्यू कार्ड विषय समझाया गया

IELTS Exam Cue Card Follow Up Questions

The examiner will ask some follow up questions about the topic once you have expressed your views on the topic. These questions will help you talk about the topic in a much more detailed manner along with the examiner. You will be able to talk about the topic in an abstract and general manner and will also get a chance to justify your opinions. The questions for the topic ‘Describe a Skill That You Can Teach Other People’ are:

  • Should Teachers Be Funny When They Teach Students?
  • What Qualities Should an Ideal Teacher Have?
  • What Do You Think Are Most Important Academic Skills or Practical Skills?
  • What Is The Best Age For You To Start Learning Something?

We hope that blog on the cue card topic ‘Describe a Skill That You Can Teach Other People’ might have helped in clearing the doubts and confusion you had regarding the IELTS speaking test. You might have gotten a better idea on how to solve these kinds of cue card topics in the IELTS exam. The examiner will assess you based on your fluency, grammatical range, lexical resource, accuracy, coherence and pronunciation. Think of the speaking test as the conversation between two individuals so don’t get nervous.

If you want to know more about the IELTS speaking test, or read articles, blogs or topics for IELTS preparation, visit the IELTS Ninja website or यहाँ क्लिक करें।

यह भी पढ़ें: उस समय का वर्णन करें जब आपको लंबी लाइन में इंतजार करना पड़ा: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए नमूना क्यू कार्ड विषय

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