The IELTS speaking cue card topic “Describe a person you would like to study or work with” is an interesting one that gives candidates the opportunity to showcase their communication skills and express their opinions. In this blog, we will discuss how to approach this topic, what kind of person you should describe, and how to structure your response.

IELTS Speaking Cue Cards Describe a Person You would Like to Study or Work With

When describing a person you would like to study or work with, it’s important to choose someone who you admire and who has qualities or skills that you would like to learn from. This person could be someone you know personally, such as a teacher or colleague, or someone famous, such as a business leader or a scientist.

यह भी पढ़ें: अपने देश में एक अच्छे कानून का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने के लिए एक नमूना क्यू कार्ड

When you begin your response, start by introducing the person you have chosen and briefly describe their background and what they do. For example, if you have chosen a scientist, you could mention their field of study and any significant achievements they have made.

In the second part of your response, discuss why you would like to study or work with this person. This could be because of their expertise in a particular field, their innovative ideas, their leadership skills, or any other qualities that you admire. It’s important to be specific and give examples of how this person has inspired you or how you believe you could benefit from working with them.

In the third part of your response, you could talk about what you would hope to learn from this person if you were given the opportunity to work or study with them. This could include skills, knowledge, or personal qualities that you believe would be beneficial for your own development.

Finally, you could conclude your response by summarizing why you believe this person would be a good role model or mentor for you, and how you would apply what you learn from them to your future endeavors.

Cue Card Sample Answer for IELTS Topic – Describe a Person You would Like to Study or Work With

Here’s an example of how you could structure your response:


The person I would like to study/work with is [name], who is a [profession] and has [briefly describe their background and achievements].

Why you would like to study/work with this person:

I admire [name] because of their [qualities or skills], and I believe that I could learn a great deal from them. For example, [give specific examples of how this person has inspired you or what you admire about them].

What you hope to learn:

If given the opportunity to work or study with [name], I would hope to learn [skills, knowledge, or personal qualities], which I believe would be beneficial for my own development.

यह भी पढ़ें: स्थानीय समाचारों के उस अंश का वर्णन करें जो आपके लिए दिलचस्प था: एक आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड


In conclusion, I believe that [name] would be an excellent role model or mentor for me, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to work or study with them. I am confident that what I learn from them would be invaluable for my future endeavors.

In summary, when responding to the आईईएलटीएस बोल रहा हूँ cue card topic “Describe a person you would like to study or work with,” it’s important to choose someone you admire, be specific about what qualities or skills you admire in them, and explain how you could benefit from working or studying with them. By following these guidelines and practicing your speaking skills, you can confidently tackle this topic and impress the examiners.

IELTS Cue Card Tips

Preparing for the IELTS speaking test can be a challenging task, as it requires you to demonstrate your communication skills and express your opinions on a variety of topics. One aspect of the test that can be particularly challenging is the IELTS cue card section, where you are given a topic and a minute to prepare before you start speaking. To help you succeed in this section, here are some tips for approaching IELTS cue card topics:

  1. Listen carefully to the instructions: Before you start preparing for the topic, make sure you listen carefully to the instructions given by the examiner. This will help you understand the task and the expectations for your response.
  2. Use the preparation time wisely: The one-minute preparation time is crucial for organizing your thoughts and preparing your response. Use this time to jot down some key points or ideas that you want to include in your response.
  3. Stay on topic: Make sure you address the topic given in the cue card and avoid going off-topic. This will help you stay focused and demonstrate your ability to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively.
  4. Organize your response: A well-organized response is easier to follow and understand. You can structure your response by using an introduction, body, and conclusion, or by grouping your ideas into different categories.
  5. Use examples and details: Adding examples and details to your response can make it more interesting and convincing. This will also show the examiner that you can support your ideas with relevant information.
  6. Speak clearly and fluently: Make sure you speak clearly and fluently, using a range of vocabulary and grammar structures. This will help you demonstrate your language proficiency and communication skills.
  7. Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice speaking on different topics, the more confident you will become. You can practice with a tutor, a study partner, or by recording yourself and reviewing your performance.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस अपराध का वर्णन करें जिसमें आप शामिल थे: परीक्षा में सफल होने के लिए आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड के साथ अपने बोलने के कौशल को निखारें


The IELTS cue card section can be challenging, but with the right preparation and approach, you can succeed. By listening carefully to the instructions, using the preparation time wisely, staying on topic, organizing your response, using examples and details, speaking clearly and fluently, and practicing, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the IELTS speaking test.

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