The आईईएलटीएस बोल रहा हूँ test is one of the most important sections of the आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा. Most candidates are nervous about this section as they are provided with a cue card which contains a topic about which they have to talk about on the spot. Students train rigorously and with proper planning to secure good marks on the speaking section.

Students will be provided with a topic and will be given a minute to prepare for it. The examiner will let you speak for two minutes and then ask some follow up questions about the same topic. One question which is often asked in the IELTS exam is to describe a change that can improve your local areas. Let’s see some different ways of answering the question.

IELTS Cue Card Topic – Describe a Change that can Improve Your Local Areas

The prompts of this topic are:

  • What is the change
  • How does the change work?
  • What kind of problems the change will solve?
  • How do you feel about the change?

यह भी पढ़ें उस समय का वर्णन करें जब आपको कल्पना का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता थी: आईईएलटीएस के लिए क्यू कार्ड

IELTS Cue Card Topic Describe a Change that can Improve Your Local Areas Model Answer 1

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय का परिचय

I live in one of the most populous parts of my city. There are multiple positives about my society, such as excellent roads, a good neighborhood, and an excellent view. But a thing that gets annoying at times is the scarcity of street lights. Even though there is no complete darkness, it still gets pretty dark out there.

What is the Change?

This scarcity of light can become a problem from drivers and other individuals in the evening, so I would like to install more street lights in my locality. I will be writing a letter to the municipal commissioner, addressing this problem to him.

How does the Change Work and what Kind of Problems will it Solve?

Once the street lights get installed they are going to solve a lot of problems in my area. The locality will become a better and safer place for women, and they can return late to their homes, without having to worry about anything. Drivers will have better visibility, and that will not only save human but also animal lives.

How do You feel about the Change?

Changing the present circumstance will be an extraordinary event for me. I became acquainted with the fact that the framework isn’t really awful and that we likewise can make changes in our lives and others too.


I hope by improving this problem my locality changes for the better and it helps some people in improving their lifestyle as well.

यह भी पढ़ें: एक दिलचस्प जानवर का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग क्यू कार्ड विषय

IELTS Cue Card Topic Describe a Change that can Improve Your Local Areas Model Answer 2

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय का परिचय

I am living in a locality where everything is well – organized and going smoothly. But we are not living in utopia, and for a society to function there is a need for changes and making things better. Transportation is in an important part if society needs to function smoothly, and if it doesn’t work then the entire development process might get hampered.

What is the Change?

The roads in our locality were built around 10 – 15 years ago, and they have connected my locality to the main city. The roads are still in pretty good shape but a lot of potholes have appeared now. If the problem is not taken care of soon then the problem can become serious. The ditches have made the road bumpy and containers which carry huge loads can’t reach the destination easily. Heavy rain leads to clogging of the roads and vehicles get stuck.

How does the Change Work and what kind of Problems will it Solve?

The neighbourhood will improve unexpectedly. At the point when the road will be fixed, there will be a fresher transportation framework mitigating the work of venturing out in various vehicles to arrive at the town. At times, the food crops get spoiled before they are taken to city markets and the costs fall. If the street is made well, it will take short of one hour to arrive at the city and in this way new food crops, vegetables, fishes and so forth will be sold at a greater cost than standard which will improve the monetary state of the makers. The money managers will have the option to carry their products and goods to the town right away, and in this manner, their business will flourish in towns as well. It is another indication of development.

How do you Feel about the Change?

I feel pretty good about the change, as it is going to benefit society as a whole. People who work in offices will be reaching their work on time, students will reach their school on time and this will lead to better connectivity between my town and the neighbouring towns.


I will be writing a letter to the municipal commissioner highlighting the issue, and also listing the benefits, I hope he acts on it and it leads to the betterment of our locality.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस खिलौने के बारे में बात करें जो आपको बचपन में पसंद था: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड प्रश्न


I hope this blog might have given you a basic idea of how to proceed with the speaking questions of the IELTS exam. The interviewers don’t expect you to be great public speakers or that your answers have a logical structure. They just want to check your fluency in English.

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