What do we know about the IELTS speaking section? Is it easy or difficult?

For many people, the speaking section is a source of great anxiety. Speaking English outside of the exam can be terrifying as well. So, we have some tips to make you feel more confident and comfortable on exam day, and also to help you achieve a Band 8 or more on your IELTS Speaking exam.

So, let’s get started!

कैसे can I Improve My IELTS Speaking Score?

Want to improve your IELTS speaking score? Well, this section is just for you. Implement these tips before and on the exam day and get your dream band score.

रखना Your Cool

The more nervous and scared you are, the more difficult it would be to retain fluency and cohesiveness. It can be difficult to use a wide variety of words and grammatical forms correctly and with the intended context. However, you must keep your mind in balance.

Note, the examiner is there to assist you, and it is her duty to make you feel at ease. The format of the exam is also intended to promote (encourage) this, as you will first be asked some simple questions about common topics such as family or your house.

When addressing less common and more abstract subjects in the final section of the evaluation, the interviewer will take a more conversational approach. Again, relax, smile, and try to talk to the interviewer as if you were having a genuine and informative conversation with others.

Be Ready for What’s Coming!

Is this your first time taking IELTS? Do you truly understand how the speaking exam is set up? Also, students who have taken the exam several times are unable to answer questions about the test’s composition or administration. What a big blunder! Half the war is knowing how to take the exam. When you know what’s coming, you’ll be able to answer questions more quickly and easily.

उत्तर the Questions Wisely

Instead of going into too much detail about your responses at the start of the exam, just provide the details that are needed. Wait before you are asked questions about your house, family, education, and so on before providing more detailed responses. Even so, have relevant responses and stop rambling on about anything and anything. Applicants often veer off track by moving off on tangents. Avoid doing that.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने वाले प्रश्नों के लिए उच्चारण कैसे सुधारें? आपकी तैयारी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए युक्तियाँ

The Examiner is Not Your Friend/ Enemy

It’s critical to understand that the interviewer reads from a document and can just tell what’s written in her examination booklet.

When you want to ask the interviewer a question, this will lead to some uncomfortable moments.

For example, a few of the questions that apply to “your home” can be perplexing at times. Applicants sometimes don’t know if they should speak about their native country or the location and they’re at the time of writing this paper.

अभ्यास a Lot of Why Questions

If you’ve already taken the IELTS test, you might have found that the interviewer would inquire, “why?” in response to basic responses.

This is because he or she needs more information from you in order to correctly assess your vocabulary. However, if the interviewer thinks she needs to constantly coax facts out of you by questioning “why” all the time, you will be marked down for absence of proficiency.

Use Key Phrases Wisely

You will begin preparation if you are familiar with the style of the IELTS Speaking test and the kinds of questions asked. Consider what you would answer in different circumstances that might happen during the exam. For example, the first section of the text would inquire about your home, family, job, or student life. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the command of the present fine.

यह भी पढ़ें: किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करें जिसे करने में आपको लोगों के समूह के साथ आनंद आता है: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा क्यू कार्ड विषय

कैसे Can I Score 8 in IELTS Speaking?

#Speak as much English as you possibly can.

#Make preparations for the exam by understanding what would be included.

#You must sound normal and not as though you had memorised the responses.

#Be significant and random.

#Do not be put off by the presence of a video camera in the room. Its aim is to assist you, not the Interviewer!

#Maintain a good attitude. The test is almost done, so remember to smile and breathe steadily.

#Note that the adrenaline released as a result of your anxious emotions really makes you function better.

#Make use of a broad variety of words. When speaking, most people use less than they know. Practise putting what you’ve learned into action.

#Focus on what you’re saying in particular rather than being precise. You will then make fewer errors.

#Have an effort to talk plainly. This does not imply gradually, but more naturally and evenly.

आईईएलटीएस Speaking Topics for Practice


Let’s talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown?

What do you like about it?

What do you not like about it?

How important is your hometown to you?

Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?

Does the place you live in have many amenities?

Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

यह भी पढ़ें: एक अच्छा आईईएलटीएस स्कोर क्या है? क्या 7.5 एक अच्छा आईईएलटीएस स्कोर है? यहां वह सब कुछ है जो आपको जानना आवश्यक है


क्या आपके पास अभी नौकरी है?

Do you enjoy your job?

What responsibilities do you have at work?

What is your typical day like at work?

What would you change about your job?

What job do you think you will be doing in five years?

What skills and qualifications are required for this job?

जीवन शैली

What do you do in your free time?

Do you have a busy social life?

Do you lead an active life?

Has your life changed much in the last year?

What would you like to change about your lifestyle?

Do you work right now?

Do you get on well with your co-workers?

What responsibilities do you have at your work?

Are there good work opportunities in your home country?


How many people are there in your immediate family?

Who do you get on best within your family?

Do you have a large extended family?

What do you do together with your family?

Why is family important to you?

Do you do housework at home?

What kind of housework do you often do?

Did you do housework when you were a child?

Do you think that children should do housework?


Do you have a healthy diet?

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?

Do you like ordering food to be delivered?

Who do you get food delivered with?

Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?

What sort of weather do you like the most?

Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?

Would you like to move to a place with different weather?

What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/ or study?

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस पढ़ने में विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रश्न: आईईएलटीएस प्रश्नों के बारे में आपको जो बातें पता होनी चाहिए

पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

करता है Accent Matter in IELTS Speaking?

No, your accent doesn’t matter in IELTS speaking. They are there to check your proficiency, not your accent. Individual sounds and words may be affected by the accent. Individual words must be properly emphasised so their context is not muddled. When we stress the wrong syllable in a phrase, the context changes from a verb record’ to a noun record.’

है There any Dress Code for IELTS Speaking?

It is important to dress well and comfortably; otherwise, the candidates’ lack of confidence would be evident on their faces. This is why most candidates often dress professionally and classily before going to an interview, as it represents their poised personality. A proper outfit has been seen to boost morale, as when you realize that the attire you’re wearing is flattering on you and a confidence can be seen on your face.

चाहिए IELTS Speaking be Formal?

Since the IELTS Speaking test is meant to simulate a natural discussion between 2 persons, you should avoid using too formal words. You cannot use slang or anything so informal; only simple spoken English is permitted. Listen to how native English speakers of equal status converse with one another; you can almost never hear them use anything so formal.

Some students believe that using the phrases on the left-hand column below will impress the examiner, but you would be wrong. It just tells the examiner that you have an overly formulaic approach to speaking and you have not been exposed to how native speakers actually talk. In other words, you are not going to get one of the higher band scores using them too much.


On the contrary, this section can be a scoring one for you if you go for it calmly and wisely. You must be prepared for different types of questions asked by the interviewer. Don’t forget to implement these tips in your next exam.

Did you like the tips we have given in this article? If yes, let us know in the comment section below

And, if you want to get a guaranteed 8 + band score in your next IELTS exam, you must check out आईईएलटीएस निंजा training course. Best of luck!

यह भी पढ़ें: ऑनलाइन आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग टेस्ट: यहां बताया गया है कि आप आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग की नई लहर से कैसे निपट सकते हैं

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लेखक के बारे में

मधुरज्या चौधरी

उफैबर एडुटेक में वेब कंटेंट राइटर मधुरज्या चौधरी को लिखने और पाठकों को आकर्षित करने का बहुत गहरा शौक है। आप उन्हें परीक्षा अभ्यर्थियों और बच्चों की भलाई के लिए लेख लिखते हुए पा सकते हैं। शोध-आधारित सामग्री लेखन और कॉपी राइटिंग में अत्यधिक रुचि के साथ, वह अपनी रचनात्मक लेखन शैली के साथ अधिक से अधिक लोगों तक पहुंचना पसंद करते हैं। दूसरी तरफ, वह एलपीयू, जालंधर से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और कम्युनिकेशन इंजीनियर हैं। अपने ख़ाली समय में वह बैडमिंटन खेलना या अंतरिक्ष खोजों के बारे में पढ़ना पसंद करते हैं। इसके अलावा, वह पीसी, पीएस और मोबाइल गेमिंग प्लेटफॉर्म पर एक प्रो गेमर हैं।

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