You will be given exactly one minute in the IELTS Speaking test to prepare yourself to speak about a specific topic, which is known as the IELTS Cue card. The instructions for your talk are written on a card that the examiner gives you. Until the examiner asks you to stop, your talk should last about 2 minutes.

At the end, the examiner will ask one or two questions. The problem of the cue card takes 3-4 minutes, including 1 minute of preparation time.

Let’s discuss one of the sample cue cards: Describe the importance of numbers in life, which has been asked recently in the exam.

यह भी पढ़ें: पिछले वर्ष के आईईएलटीएस भाषण भाग 2 प्रश्न: उत्तर के साथ क्यू कार्ड विषय विज्ञापन

Describe the Importance of Numbers in Life Cue Card

तुम्हें कहना चाहिए:

  1. Do you have a favourite number or a number that is special to you?

  2. Are you good at memorizing phone numbers?

  3. Do you often use numbers at work?

  4. Are you good at math?

Cue Card Sample Answer One

In our daily lives, digits play a significant role. We use digits and mathematics in almost everything we do. Since the day we were born, our lives have orbited around digits, whether we love it or not. Numerous digits are directly or indirectly associated with our lives.

Do You Have a Favourite Number?

Yes, the number 3 is my favourite number, it can also be counted as my lucky number. Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher, believed that the meaning of numbers was extremely important. The number three was regarded as the ideal number by them, as it represented wisdom, harmony, and understanding. It was also the divine number, as it represented time – beginning, middle, and end; past, present, and future; birth, life, and death.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग टॉपिक विवाह समारोह: शानदार स्कोर के लिए आईईएलटीएस नमूना उत्तर देखें

Are You Good at Memorizing Phone Numbers?

This is one of my biggest flaws: my mind goes on vacation when it comes to remembering and recalling figures and digits. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to recall them, even for a short period of time. Except for a select few, even they can’t remember phone numbers.

I have tried ways to improve my memory to remember numbers, but it is really hard. I am still trying to do this exercise to remember at least one number every day.

Do You Often Use Numbers at Work?

No, I don’t often use digits at work, except for seeing the word count but then, numbers are part of everyday life.

To begin with, we are constantly confronted with digits in our daily lives. We use them to multiply, divide, add, subtract, and multiply our payments and other expenses. If we don’t learn digits, we won’t be able to know the total amount we spent and our change if we go to the supermarket or any other store.

Second, digits play an important role in some people’s courses or professions. Marketing, science, architecture, and a variety of other professions all use digits. For example, if we applied for a job at some companies, we might not be accepted because we lack basic math skills, such as addition and subtraction.


Maths is not my area of study. Though maths is used every day in actual life, when it comes to algebra and geometry and then they ask theorems, that is just not my cup of tea. I think students should try developing themselves in all areas because life is much bigger and only one area of specialisation will not take you anywhere.

Cue Card IELTS Speaking Sample Answer Two

Numbers are inextricably linked to everything we do. Years, hours, months, days, and weeks, seconds are all measured with them. They are valued in dollars and cents. We use feet, inches, metres, and yards to measure our distances.

The food we eat is labelled with a calorie count. I think of success and failure as digits, and we categorise ourselves based on how many of each we have. The passage of time accelerates our ageing process. We do the math and distribute the results.

We take solace in the knowledge that 2 + 2 will always equal 4. Numbers, without a doubt, have an impact on us.

Do You Have a Favourite Number?

Yes, my favourite number is six. Six is a perfect number. At the very least, it’s a perfect number. A perfect number is one that can be divided by all of the other numbers. In the case of the number six, it can be divided by one, two, or three. When these are added together, the result is six, which is the lowest perfect number.

Are You Good at Memorizing Phone Numbers?

Yes, I am a pro at remembering phone numbers. It’s like when I look at a phone number and read them once, they are in my mind. Usually, in my friend’s circle, I am the one who is responsible to take care of remembering things and especially numbers, because I have a good memory.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस भाषण भाग 3 में हालिया परीक्षा प्रश्न: हाल के आईईएलटीएस विषय संगीत के नमूना उत्तर

Do You Often Use Numbers at Work?

Yes, because I am an architect and digits are everything that we work with. Every structure we visit, houses, schools, libraries, movie theatres, apartment complexes, and even the local ice cream parlour is the result of mathematical principles applied to design and construction.

We must design a habitable structure before construction workers can begin work. In architectural design, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry are all important. These math forms are used by us to plan their blueprints or initial sketch designs. We also estimate the likelihood of problems that the construction team will encounter as they bring the design vision to life in three dimensions.


In today’s world, we use math on a daily basis to complete our tasks. Construction workers perform operations such as dividing, adding, multiplying, subtracting and working with fractions.

They calculate the area, volume, length, and width of an object. How much steel does an office building require? How much weight will the library floors have to bear in terms of books and furniture? Even a small single-family home necessitates meticulous calculations of wall angles, square footage, roofs, and room dimensions. How much carpet do you have? To fill a swimming pool, how much water is required?

To conclude, maths is a necessity in our daily lives and we should learn it!

Cue Card IELTS Sample Answer Three

Math is essential in today’s world. Everyone uses mathematics in their everyday lives, and most of the time they are unfamiliar with it. Our world would be losing a vital ingredient if it didn’t have math.

Math is either enjoyed or despised. One of the reasons why beginners dislike math is that many of the theories are abstract and difficult to grasp. Variables, equations, and the dreaded storey problems can all be difficult to decipher and comprehend, but we all need them to solve real-world problems now or in the future.

Do You Have a Favourite Number?

No, I don’t have a favourite number. I think every number is unique in its own way and has its own value. Well, talking about digits, zero was the first number to be discovered by Aryabhata.

Though the concept of nothing has always been understood, the concept of zero is relatively new; it was fully developed in India around the fifth century A.D, perhaps a couple of centuries earlier.

Mathematicians had previously struggled to perform even the most basic arithmetic calculations. Today, zero as a symbol (or numeral) and as a concept implying the absence of any quantity, enables us to perform limits, calculus, binomial theorem, solve complex equations and create computers.

यह भी पढ़ें: हालिया आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग टॉपिक्स 2021: आइए आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा के लिए सीखने को बढ़ाएं

Are You Good at Memorizing Phone Numbers?

Well, I think I am somewhere in the middle because I only remember the phone numbers of my family members and some emergency contacts or when the situation asks for it. Though I can only remember numbers that I have memorised, it is a part of my long-term memory. Because we are in a technological age, where we have phones all the time, I think there are very few circumstances where we have to remember things.

Do You Often Use Numbers at Work?

I am from a Computer Science Background. In our field, math has become more important in the field of cutting-edge technologies such as Deep Learning, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and many others.

Every new technology in today’s world is related to Mathematics, either directly or indirectly, in order to develop smart and simple solutions to problems. Mathematical applications in a variety of fields are currently ruling the world like a monarch. With its various algorithms, math functions, theorems, new techniques, and other tools, mathematics aids many industries, including robotics, software, design, medical, automobile, and many others.


Mathematics is beneficial in our daily lives. The application of mathematics allows us to complete a variety of tasks without breaking a sweat.

One of the most common applications of mathematics is cash management. These skills will help you manage your finances. They can easily determine simple and accruing funds with the help of mathematics abilities.

To conclude, I want to put a point forward that we cannot live our lives without this integral subject, as it has become a necessity and we all are highly dependent on it.

IELTS Speaking Exam Preparation

A Speaking Test is divided into three sections:

Part 1 (approximately 4–5 minutes): Interview and introduction. In addition to confirming your identity, the IELTS examiner will introduce himself or herself and will ask you to do the same. The examiner will ask you a series of general questions about your family, studies, work, and hobbies.

Part Two and Three

Part 2 (approximately 3–4 minutes): The examiner will give you a task card with a topic and some points to cover in your speech written on it. You will be given one minute to think about and prepare for the topic, as well as a piece of paper and a pencil to jot down your notes. After you’ve finished brainstorming, you’ll have one to two minutes to speak about the topic before the examiner asks you some questions about it.

Part 3 (approximately 4–5 minutes): A two-way conversation. More questions will be asked by the examiner about the topic presented in Part 2 of the Speaking test. You can take advantage of this opportunity to discuss additional ideas.

यह भी पढ़ें: हालिया आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग टॉपिक टीवी प्रोग्राम नमूना उत्तर: स्पीकिंग को एक उदाहरण से समझें

Points to Remember

#Start speaking English to your friends, family, and peers before your test. You can also record yourself to hear how confident you sound and whether or not your pronunciation needs to be improved.

#Don’t be afraid to give incorrect or correct answers on your test. Remember that the examiner will assess your ability to express yourself clearly in English.

#There’s no need to worry about your Speaking exam. The examiner is grading you on how well you can express your point of view rather than on the answers you give.

#As part of your response, avoid repeating the examiner’s question. Understand and rephrase the question in your own words.

#If you’re not comfortable with complicated words, don’t try to use them in your conversation. Keep it simple and unpretentious. Yes, it will be advantageous if you can use advanced vocabulary.

Tips to Look For

#Your speech should not be slowed or accelerated. Be natural in your interactions with others, just as you would in everyday life. Pronunciation errors may occur if you speak quickly.

#When answering, try to be as specific as possible. Rather than responding with a simple “yes” or “no,” consider developing your responses to each question.

#When responding to the question, always use the correct verb tenses. If you’re asked, “What kind of food do you like?” in the present tense, don’t respond in the past tense.

#Make sure you know how to pronounce the digits correctly. For example, the digits ‘Sixty’ and ‘Sixteen’ may sound similar when spoken.

#Make an effort to justify your response. This allows you to use more grammar and vocabulary.


We hope you now have a better understanding of how to respond to the questions in the IELTS speaking task. Keep these suggestions in mind for stress-free exam preparation. आईईएलटीएस निंजा can assist you in improving your preparation for any of the IELTS modules. You will undoubtedly score above 8+ bands thanks to its best-in-class courses and mentors.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग टास्क: स्कोर बैंड 8+ के लिए नमूना प्रश्न और उत्तर

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