The most important examination for fulfilling the dreams of the candidates to study abroad and make their future is the IELTS test. The candidates focus on the English proficiency skills for scoring better in the exam and turn your life into sparkling light.

The IELTS cue card topic is very important for the speaking section. The examiners ask simple topics from different fields of life and you are expected to answer them fluently with correct grammar, punctuations, effective vocabulary, and fewer pauses.

If you want to fulfil your ambition, you should excel in this section as it not only provides you with the skills of speaking but also enriches your soul with confidence. Here is an IELTS cue card topic: describe a difficult decision that you once made. Let’s elevate our learning by knowing about the effective answer delivery aspects.

यह भी पढ़ें: उस कैफे का वर्णन करें जहां आप जाना पसंद करते हैं: आइए आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड के लिए सीखने को बढ़ाएं

आईईएलटीएस बोल रहा हूँ

The IELTS speaking section is   in the IELTS test. All the candidates must know that this is an interview part where you will be required to confront the test takers and answer their questions with full confidence and wisdom.

This section is conducted for 11-14 minutes where you are required to have a structured discussion on some familiar topic. You must be prepared well before entering the examination hall to be able to answer the questions frequently with amazing skills.

The talents can be showcased better when added with confidence and grace. And, knowledge brings confidence from within. So you must become knowledgeable in the spheres of the test to get perfect bands.

आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा

The opportunities matter the most in the entire human life. Those who get opportunities and add some hard work with it, get on the ninth cloud and those who miss it, lose the chance to touch the skies. Life is a matter of opportunities.

This test is the best opportunity for the candidates to grab and rise like a phoenix. Good quality education and personality development make you a better human being in society. If you want to get higher education from the most profound and enormously excellent universities or colleges in the world, you should prepare excellently and score maximum.

The IELTS test has made the career of many millennials. This time is a perfect chance for you to grab it and transform your future into vibrant colours.

Importance of IELTS Speaking

IELTS speaking is a section that is important to be prepared and focus not only on the test purpose but also for making yourself worthy of standing before professional people, to get better career opportunities in life, to be confident, and to become a good communicator. All of these traits are extremely essential in today’s life.

This section enables the person to know the fluent ways of speaking before the experts and put their ideas forward. Communication is the key to success in all spheres. When you are excellent at communication, you get your desires easily.

Therefore, don’t take this portion easy, rather talk to your friends, family members, colleagues, or yourself standing in front of the mirror to prepare for the speaking part and achieve your targets.

यह भी पढ़ें: एक दिलचस्प बातचीत या व्याख्यान के बारे में बात करें: आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए क्यू कार्ड उत्तर

आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड विषय का उत्तर देते समय बोलने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु

Do you want to know the important points to be considered while speaking? Well, this is a prestigious exam, so you will not oy be judged on speaking but on your effective delivery methods.

You should be aware of the sequence to provide an answer to the question or relevant topic asked by the examiner. If you are aware of the questions to be answered for the given topic, you will do a wonderful job in this section.

Below written points/questions are significant to answer for the topic to describe a difficult decision that you once made cue cards. Acknowledge these points to include them in your answer.

#. What was the decision?

#. When did you make the decision?

#. How long did it take you to make the decision?

#. And explain why it was a difficult decision to make?

Describe a Difficult Decision That You Once Made: IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer One

What Was the Decision?

I believe all the decisions of life are difficult to make as you have to lose and gain something out of it. The decisions are not big or small but the consequences of it are. We have to decide something by analyzing its pros and cons. I made a very difficult decision in my life when I was in school. The decision that I took was standing for myself and my opinions.

I was threatened by one of my teachers in school. I made the most difficult decision of going against him and complaining about him to the Principal. It was the biggest and most challenging one of my life. I had to go against the social norms to stop the wrong occurring in society.

When Did You Make the Decision?

The decision of raising my voice confidently against the wrong happening was made by me in class 12th. When I was in class 11th, one of my teachers started praising me too much for everything. I did not sense much vulnerability then but then he started texting me wrongly and making sexual comments. In the patriarchal society, women are considered subservient to men and this is the reason that men take the privilege of speaking unimaginable things to women.

I decided after tolerating too much. I went to the Principal’s office and said all the happenings honestly from start to finish. I told my parents about the teacher and his pathetic gestures.

यह भी पढ़ें: पारिवारिक व्यवसाय का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड के लिए संभावित उत्तर देखें

How Long Did it Take You to Make the Decision?

It took me a long time to make the decision. He started making sexual comments on me when I was in 11th standard. I was ignoring his gestures and words to avoid any fuss. I started neglecting his presence intentionally and going here and there with my friends. He did not stop then also. As soon as I reached my home one day after school, I told everything to my mother and said that I need to take action against his behaviour when I was in 12th.

My parents supported me and the Principal fired the teacher out of the school. It took me almost a year to gather the courage to make this tough decision as girls are thought to be wrong in such cases in the patriarchal society. I bring the courage in me thinking about the other girls of the school who have to deal with it after I will complete my schooling.

And Explain Why It was a Difficult Decision to Make?

It was very difficult for me to make this decision because he was my teacher and I was connected to his wife and family. I thought that if he would understand by communication or negligence it would be better. But he continued doing the ill stuff of sexual humiliation to me. It was tough also because of the mindset of society.

People always consider a girl wrong when such things take place. I was nervous and underconfident, but drive courage in me by the support of my parents. Every field should make this decision if needed by going beyond the boundaries of the norms created by society.

Describe a Difficult Decision That You Once Made: IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer Two

What Was the Decision?

Decisions are always difficult and challenging to be made, especially in today’s world, the increased number of choices has made the decisions more difficult. I have made one of the most crucial and difficult decisions of my life when I had to decide the stream to opt for my senior secondary education.

I was interested in science but my father wanted me to opt for mathematics to pursue engineering. I will discuss my tough decision related to my studies today as education is the biggest decision to be made that can make the career. I decided to choose science as per my interest in it.

When Did You Make the Decision?

I decided after getting the result of my 10th board exam. I got 90% in high school and was extremely interested in science. I decided to opt for the subject to secure my future in it. I got confused due to my parent’s choice and my variation in choices. I did not have a clear aim of becoming something. Some of my friends were opting for the non-medical stream and others were interested in Economics. I decided after consulting with my parents and analyzing my interests.

यह भी पढ़ें: आपके द्वारा पढ़ी गई एक रोमांचक पुस्तक का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस क्यू कार्ड 2021 विषय के नमूना उत्तर

How Long Did it Take You to Make the Decision?

It took me nearly a month to decide the subject because the stream makes a great impact on the future ahead. I asked too many people for their advice and everyone gave me different perspectives which gave me more dilemmas. Finally, I decided on the stream with my parents’ advice and self-analyzation.

And Explain Why It was a Difficult Decision to Make?

It was quite difficult for me to make this decision because I believe that study and stream make a large impact on the career and goals of life. I have been a studious child since my childhood. I was confused because I wanted to do something that can make my parents proud and make them happy. My parents wanted me to opt for mathematics which is my weak point. This is the reason that I had a discussion with them and finally chose Science after a difficult phase.

Learn the Techniques of the IELTS Speaking

The technique for this test is to learn maximum in the field of English and grow your creativity of mind. Learn the ways of answering with the presence of mind and get perfect grammar.

The biggest tip for the exam is to be consistent in learning. Read daily and learn effective words from the dictionary every day. Also, use the words and their synonyms in some sentences while writing or speaking to remember them. The more proficient you get in the English language, the more appropriate candidate you will become.

Furthermore, manage your time for all the sections and practice the sample question papers as it gives you the knowledge of answering within the time allotted for each question. Be positive, determined, and passionate.

यह भी पढ़ें: आपके द्वारा की गई कला और शिल्प गतिविधि का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस की तैयारी के लिए एक आकर्षक क्यू कार्ड विषय

IELTS Cue Card Topics

The IELTS cue card topics are a vital part of the speaking portion. The familiar topics are given during the interview to have a structured communication and discussion on it.

Multiple cue card topics can be asked by the test-takers. You have to be fluent while speaking along with inculcating the best vocabulary into your answer. Do not lack in grammar ethics as it will degrade your performance.

One of the most asked topics is explicitly explained in this article to let you know about the answering techniques. Once you know the correct way to speak, you can reach your ambition soon. So acknowledge the cue card topics and prepare for them.

आईईएलटीएस की तैयारी

Preparation is necessary to become worthy of achieving your goals. If you don’t put in the effort and get success, it loses its value and essence. This is not an exam where you can score higher by doing nothing.

If you want to reach your goals, earn them with your determination and perseverance. Do not get into too many resources. Choose the best source to prepare and attain maximum through it.

Do not study randomly, prepare a study plan and start preparing according to it. It is highly profitable as you tend to complete the syllabus of all the spheres on time and get time for revisions as well. Practice as much as you can.

यह भी पढ़ें: एक प्रसिद्ध एथलीट का वर्णन करें जिसे आप जानते हैं: आईईएलटीएस स्पीकिंग क्यू कार्ड उत्तर जानें

आईईएलटीएस निंजा

If you are looking for the best platform to prepare for this honourable examination, you should visit the IELTS Ninja website. There are a lot of benefits to getting connected to it. Experts advice is needed to crack the exemplary test, the professionals and experts are always there to provide you with the best guidance and mentorship.

You can start the course with high-quality personalized lectures and mock tests which will prepare you the best. Moreover, the articles available on the site are effectively researched before posting.

So you can get help from it to grab the authentic information about the universities, preparation techniques, all the sections, and much more. The right platform can let you reach your goals. Don’t waste your time, choose the best!

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने की रणनीतियाँ और तकनीकें: इन तकनीकों के साथ आईईएलटीएस में उच्च स्कोर


Therefore, the speaking section is tremendously significant for scoring higher in the IELTS test and getting admission to your favourite university to develop your personality and skills.

If you have anything to ask, feel free to comment below and get answers from the professionals of the आईईएलटीएस निंजा website. You can also move ahead to read the topics present on the website related to each section of this exam and interview techniques. Furthermore, if you want to grab the information about different universities and colleges across the globe, visit the website.

Choose the right platform for your preparation and do not get stress. You will get everything in the right direction. You only need to head towards success.


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लेखक के बारे में

श्रुति राग

श्रुति एक उभरती हुई पत्रकार होने के साथ-साथ एक रचनात्मक और उत्साही कंटेंट राइटर भी हैं। वह एक सच्चे दिल वाली और सहस्राब्दी दृष्टिकोण वाली खोजपूर्ण लड़की है। बोलने और लिखने के प्रति उनके प्यार ने उन्हें पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार में स्नातक की डिग्री हासिल करने के लिए प्रेरित किया। वह इस उद्धरण में विश्वास करती है, "यदि आप जीवन में कभी असफल नहीं होंगे, तो आप कभी भी राख से फीनिक्स की तरह नहीं उठेंगे।" गायन। नवाचार और यथार्थवाद आपको अपनी पहचान खोजने देते हैं। उन्हें ज्ञान और आसमान छूने के दृढ़ संकल्प पर विश्वास है।

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